Zucchini Balls


Delicious summer recipe (you can cook it in winter too lol) for zucchini balls. Preparation is very easy and fast but you need 6 hours in advance to drain moisture from grated zucchini. It is a good choice for a family dinner, just grate zucchini at the morning and leave final preparation for evening.

In a serving
Protein : 24 g
Carbs: 22 g
Fat: 17 g
Fibre: 4 g
Calories: 337

Food list for 5 servings
1 kg (2 lbs) grated zucchini
6 eggs
1 bunch of dill, chopped
200 gr. (8 oz) White Greek cheese or Parmesan, chopped
150 gr. (6 oz) Cottage cheese
100 gr. (4 oz) flour ( I used mixture of equal quantities linen, pumpkin seed and almond flour)
Garlic (if you like it)

Grate zucchini, add some salt and leave it for 6 hours to drain.

Mix all ingredients (without flour) in a bowl and knead.

Add flour last and knead again.

Make plane balls (for better baking). Bake for 35-40 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius (350 Fahrenheit).

Serve with some yogurt. It was so delicious, I ate 6 balls. Next day I heat them in a nonstick pan with some coconut butter, the smell made me so impatient to eat them. Coconut butter made balls even more irresistible.

Bon appetite!

Zucchini question

What’s your fav way to cook zucchini?



  1. kavitha 21 September, 2012 at 04:04 Reply

    Hi Rumi,

    Your new website looks great. Can you post some recipes which does not have any eggs or meat? I am a pure vegetarian. Thanks. Kavitha

  2. Erin 27 September, 2012 at 18:57 Reply

    Loved these! Made them with zucchini fresh from our garden and eggs from my friend. YUMMY!
    We have a lot of eggplant and okra. I roast them with lots of garlic, olive and coconut oil…so good!

    • Rumi 27 September, 2012 at 23:56 Reply

      Erin, I love roasted eggplant, roasted red pepper, then I strain both, mix with vinegar, olive oil, salt and garlic, mmmmm šŸ™‚

  3. natty 17 October, 2012 at 19:50 Reply

    i love eggplant. i wash it roll in aluminium foil and bake in the oven til soft to touch. i scoop out the flesh and blitz to make a beautiful dip. i like to chop some hot chilli on top for a bit of extra flavor.

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