33 Weeks Pregnant


Gorgeous <3 On the first day of this week I saw the baby!!! Every meeting is super exciting and I can barely wait for it. I usually note every meeting in a calendar, so I don’t miss anything, but the times I get to meet the baby I remember without the calendar! How have you been? I hope in a good health and lovely mood 🙂 .

How do I Feel

Slow, short of breath, but fine 😀 . I get swollen up at night, but it’s nothing big, it’s just not as before. I love getting my feet rubbed and my Love gives me an occasional massage, he is the king of it! In the morning, when I wake up, there isn’t a swell, I don’t even see bumps.

What Is New

I had an attack of more stuffed nose than usual, but it’s my fault. I wrote about how I decreased the stuffing and it was bearable, like an almost normal nose. Last week I had a significant improvement to my stuffed nose and a lot less stuffing. I decided that I was passed it and I skipped rubbing butter in it, I even skipped a day.

Well, it came back right after me. It got so stuffed one day, that I couldn’t sleep at all. Now I started doing the regular butter rubbing ritual in the morning and at night.

I dream about a day that I won’t have to rub anything on me, neither the belly, nor the breasts, nor my nose or anything else! But let’s change my attitude towards the rubbing 🙂 .

Repeat: ‘It’s lovely to rub myself, I’ll even find a new spot I haven’t rubbed and put some butter on it too.’

How Big Is The Baby

2.150 kg – he’s big : . He is now only 8 days bigger than the statistics. He used to be 14-16 days in advance. I’ve waited so long to see how big he is, because for more than 2 weeks I lost my appetite and I eat less than before.

The presumable labor day is 8 days earlier, wow, ‘the snow will surprise us again’ 😀 . I’m not ready with a nursery, nothing, but relax – in the worst case scenario he can sit naked in a blanket, there will be breast milk, right 🙂 ?


Except the more stuffed nose, which at the end of the week went into normal rhythm, I can’t think of anything else.


I measure it every day, so I can catch a tendency in it. I still don’t gain, it’s weird, but maybe I eat less because of the loss of appetite. In month 8 the total weight I’ve gained is 10 kg.

Food I Cannot Stand

I eat as if I’m not pregnant, with the difference that I feel short of space in my belly and I decrease the amount.

Food I Love

I ate Olivier salad with mayonnaise I bought from the store!!! I wanted to have mayonnaise and I made an Olivier salad 🙂 .

I have my mania about pickles. I eat a lot of sour cabbage with paprika and a little bit of sunflower oil (it’s gross with olive oil), also fermented cauliflower. I also put some of sour cabbage in the Olivier salad, but a little bit, without it showing, and my Love didn’t even notice 🙂 .

In order to make use of the mayonnaise, here is what I prepared on the next day for brunch:
I boiled 120 g gluten-free pasta.

While it was cooking, I ate some sour cabbage with paprika and oil.
When it was ready, I waited for a minute to cool down and I added one full tbsp. mayonnaise and 3 boiled eggs cut to pieces. After that I had some oranges. How can I not feel short of room after eating?

I keep skipping to write down that during the pregnancy, whenever I eat nuts, they have to be roasted. I don’t want raw. If they can be slightly salted, that’s even better. I tend to eat whatever I want and not force myself.


I work out every other day. I do lighter workouts. It’s like I don’t need much physical movement. More likely, I have the need to move and feel my muscles, but stay within my comfort zone. I warm up quite the time, about 10-15 minutes.

Steps Taken

I still don’t have my fitbit wristband, that I wrote I gave for renewal. With my phone I do at least 10 000 steps a day. It’s cold outside and unpleasant for walking, it’s good my steps are not done at once. I go with the subway to the store and that’s when I do my steps. I climb stairs, in the subway, at home, whenever I see stairs, count me in. I walk slow and methodical.


I somehow sleep. Between bathroom visits and turning on my sides. The pregnancy pillow is not enough anymore. Getting up to the toilet is very funny and slow. I do it side-wise, because pregnant women can’t get up straight forward like a crunch. The baby isn’t bothering me at night for now. I do that all by myself.

I want to sleep more and sometimes in the weekend I sleep in the afternoon. On the next day I’m without swellings, I’m fresh and it really shows I got enough sleep.

Stretch Marks

I don’t have any, hurray! One night I got so scared, because I saw some marks on the sides and on the left of my navel and I thought ‘It begins!’. I remembered that I was wearing something tight and It can be clothes marks. On the next morning, there wasn’t a sign of stretch marks, hurray!

I put butters and lotions twice a day.
In the morning, I use the Mustela one.
At night with one of the following – Shea, coconut and jojoba oil, rose hip oil and pregnancy oil.

What Is The Baby Doing

On the examination he was calm, slightly moving. You can’t really see him whole for a long time now. We managed to see his head, forehead and nose. He has my Love’s profile <3 He was with his head downwards but with his face towards my belly, and he has to be towards my spine. I start to visualize him in that position, because it’s the most comfortable for a natural birth. He doesn’t seem to like it when I’m hungry so he goes wild. I, on the other hand, wait to get hungry, because then it’s more tasty for me 🙂 . Mood

I get tender when I see the ‘leaving-the-hospital’ clothes. I smile way more than before the pregnancy, even though not everything is well with the store and every day I learn there is something I didn’t know it’s connected with having a store.

I’m in a good mood, I’m even surprised, it’s like I’m on some funny pills 😀 . Or maybe it’s because I’m in my happy bubble that I go into every day with the Hypnobabies.

Do I Miss Anything

I want more sleep.

Looking Forward To

I ordered a baby phone with a picture, sound and an option to check if the baby is breathing 🙂 I’m waiting it to arrive 🙂 .


Nothing new for the baby, except the baby phone.

About a month ago I got a hydrating hair mask. It smells awesome and very tasty, I can strongly feel the orange. It has vitamin E, coconut, Shea, argan, rose hip and ginger oils and *essential orange oil. Put it on your scalp before washing the hair, I put it on the lengths too. You wait 15 minutes and then wash your hair as you regularly do and without putting a mask afterwards.

In my case, I love how the oils give this wet effect on my hair and I leave it on for a long time, sometimes hours long. My curls get shaped super nicely. If I wouldn’t get it on my pillow, I would stay with it overnight.

It goes very well with my super dry hair. I talked with clients in the store, that aren’t with super dry hair, that they put it after shower, a small amount only on their ends, which prevents the hair from drying. This is also an option, but in my case I put a huge amount on the ends. An enormous amount of product goes on my hair, even my hairdresser was surprised to see how much really goes on it 🙂 .

*during the pregnancy it’s not okay to use essential oils. There is a difference between essential and base oils. Base oils are okay during the pregnancy; however, everyone needs to know if they are allergic to something. Orange oil is considered safe during the pregnancy but I still want to warn you to be careful with essential oils if you’re pregnant. In this case, there is a low concentration of orange oil, I also feel good about it.

A Question

If you have a baby phone with video, did you use the video or the option for tracking the baby’s breathing?

The baby phone I ordered has an option for tracking the baby’s breathing and I read some mixed reviews about it. It’s a pad that you put below the sheet and it tracks the movement when the baby is sleeping. It often gives you false alarms, there were people that were okay with it, apparently, and it’s with each baby, depending on how it sleeps? Has anyone used something like this?


  1. Yana 22 February, 2017 at 13:54 Reply

    Sorry love, lotions will not prevent stretch marks. You can use that time more efficiently… if they appear they will appear…

    • Rumi 22 February, 2017 at 13:57 Reply

      I combine lotions with food and supplement with vitamins and minerals. I think, this way is less possible to have stretch marks.

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