Training program week 3-2015


Gorgeoussss, the 3rd week of 2015 is on 🙂 We are going to work out short and effective. How do you feel after last week’s workouts? Was is enough or too much? Can you pull yourself together? Do you sleep enough?

The task of the week is to think about our sleep and if we don’t sleep well to find a way to do it better. If you don’t sleep enough, it affects to your strength, mood and health. If you can do something that will improve your sleep, do it – it will change your life. In my clients’ letters I see that they really care for insignificant things like – how much water do they drink, what time do they eat at, how many meals daily do they have, what time do they train at, how long after the workout do they eat and so on. I will write this really briefly 🙂

Eat as much as you have to to accomplish your goals. It’s not important how many times you eat and when you do it.
Work out when you have time.
Drink as much water as you want to.

The important thing is to eat the right amount of food for you and to work out – ALL other things just cause you stress. It brings you so little that it doesn’t worth being careful about.

If you want, try to count calories.

The plan for this week:

DAY 1 – strength, endurance and BUTT

Level 3 – 32 minutes – List with the exercises
If you don’t have time, do 1 round, 16 minutes

Level 2 – 29 minutes – List with the exercises
1 round is 14 minutes

Yoga for both levels. It’s a great stretch for calves, back thigh, lower back. A little stretch for butt, shoulders, wrists, upper back, chest. My ankles were in pain all the time but after the practice I felt them energized and relieved. The final relax is great, short but for total body. This yoga can be done as before night sleep practice. If you hurry to go somewhere the relaxation in the end will nervous you, so just miss it 🙂

The video is not allowed to be published to other websites (this is a setup that the owner of the video has to approve, I didn’t see it in the beginning), so watch the video here in youtube.

DAY 2 – aerobics or yoga

After the day 1 workout I had muscle soreness and I did yoga on the next day. But some readers of the blog told me that they don’t like yoga. So there is yoga and aerobic workout, do whatever you want.

YOGA suggestions
This is total legs stretch, it’s from the same channel and I can’t publish it here.

If you have time do this video also to stretch upper back. You can do it other day, when you have time. If you hurry, miss the lying before and after the practice. I say it not to feel guilty. Yes, it’s better to start the practice with relaxation but if you think all the time that you are loosing your time and you want to do something else, it’s better to miss it. I like not to miss them 🙂 but sometimes I miss them and I don’t blame myself. You have to root out the feeling guilt. Make room for the workouts and yoga in the way that you will feel great. The goal of the workout is to make relaxed and to remind us that we are alive and Gorgeous 🙂 Promise, you will never feel guilty 🙂 Work out to feel alive and happy 🙂

Suggestions for workouts

Level 3 – 20 minutes totally
Burpee madness – 10 minutes – List with the exercises

Upper body and cardio – 5 minutes – List with the exercises

5 minutes HIIT– List with the exercises

Level 2 – 24 minutes totally

Upper body and aerobics – 5 minutes – List with the exercises

Lower body and aerobics – 5 minutes – List with the exercises

Aerobics and strength exercises – 14 minutes – List with the exercises

DAY 3 – do do 10/10

Level 3 – 20 minutes – List with the exercises

Level 2 – 20 minutes – List with the exercises

DAY 4 total body

Level 3 – 24 minutes – List with the exercises

Level 2 –28 minutes – List with the exercises

DAY 5 – total body with emphasis on butt

Level 3 – 44 minutes – List with the exercises

Level 2 – 38 minutes – List with the workouts


If you want you can do yoga to improve your flexibility
This is no movement yoga. The idea is to hold in 1 position for 3 to 5 minutes. The video is great because it shows you how to find a position where you ca relax and to hold it for long. Move the helping objects step by step 🙂 It wouldn’t be good for you, if you need a workout. After each position, I stop the video find the position that is convenient for me, play the video and hold for the time I have to. After a while you may feel that you don’t need the helping blankets, remove them for a better stretch.


If you want – long yoga in workout or aerobics style

Beginners’ video

Advanced level video. This yoga is just great! It’s a workout and stretching at the same time. The glutes stretch really great in the end. It’s good because we work hard for our butt all week long. During the yoga, listen carefully for the instructions. The same position feels totally different with a little change, if you activate the heels. For example: from a plank position if you press your heels to the floor or you just stay in the plank position.

During workout we don’t have enough time to look after all details. But while you do yoga, the moves are slow, listen, adjust the position, guide your mind. For example: the asana feels different if you activate your shoulder blades or if you spindle your back and extend the head front/up. You can see all this in the video. Keep doing the yoga and you will see that you will watch at the computer more and more rarely and you will listen to the voice instructions. You need practice but in the end you will do it. I still watch at the computer but there are moments that I concentrate and I just listen the voice, don’t watch. I start to be better at doing yoga 🙂 But I am far away from the perfect practice 🙂

I want to share with you something that really helps me to accomplish my goals and to do my best depending on the situation. I don’t like everything all the time. I just ignore the things I don’t like and I concentrate on the things that are useful for me. For example: in the video below there is a music and additional effect to the voice. I don’t like both things. BUT I ignore and don’t notice them because the practice is really great. We jump to things that we don’t like every day. Ignore them, find something in the situation or human that you like. If you can’t find such thing, just leave it behind you. Don’t lose your time over things that you don’t like and you can’t change. Spend your time (it’s precious) just on things that bring you joy and depend on you. If you can’t change something, change your attitude to it 🙂

Share with me, what you like, don’t like, difficulties, challenges, results.

Record with your phone how you do a workout, you will be surprised what you really do 😀


  1. Katerina Naumova 16 January, 2015 at 10:57 Reply

    Hi Rumi,
    It’s been a burpee week for me, because I did the burpee madness on Day 2 and Day 4. I really love the burpee variations in this workout, it’s hard to do but it is very fun.
    It’s cold in the room where I workout so I have to do shorter yoga routines (I usually do a routine by Sadie Nardini). I love power yoga and I have tried the video you recommended, it is an excellent choice! I must say I like it better than the one you suggested last week (Rocket Power yoga by Reed Taylor). I tried to finish it, but there were too many hand stands for me, because I had to climb the wall every time (I can’t do I handstand differently). I think that video was to advanced for me. I will definitely do the power yoga video by Mark Gonzales when it’s warmer. I heard someone say that progress in yoga is like watching hair grow, and I completely agree. It takes a lot of time, patience and practice which is why it is so good for the mind too.
    When it comes to sleep, it is one of the most important things for me. I didn’t sleep well the night before Day 3, so that day was extremely hard for me, and I had to do the level 2 workout.
    Thank you for this lovely week and have a great weekend!

    • Rumi 16 January, 2015 at 11:18 Reply

      Thank you! I had bad sleep last night and today I will do a long yoga insted of workout. Next week we have 3 new workouts – stregth, cardio and do do 🙂

  2. Britt 18 January, 2015 at 13:12 Reply

    Wanted to say the David Procyshyn was so amazing!! My nw favourite. Power yoga not for me, really into the stretching after a workout 🙂 Thanks again, Rumi!

  3. Jenny Urquhart 21 January, 2015 at 03:17 Reply

    Hi ! I would like guidance from you to help me out with my workouts because I’ve tried to do it on my own and I’m getting frustrated.
    I’ll tell you a little bit of myself, I’ve had about 6 surgeries over the past 4 years. I’m all healed up now. I tried working on my abs and my overall body but I can’t seem to tighten up my abs . I used to have a six pack. If you can help me, you would be awesome .

    • Rumi 21 January, 2015 at 21:03 Reply

      Start the 90 day exercise challenge – this is 90 day workout plan. If you want to see abs, start to look at the food. Eat less, watch results and react according to them.

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