Training Program Week 28-2015


Gorgeous šŸ˜€ how are you in the middle of the summer? This week is going to be super busy for me. I started out to do the things I procrastinate. Each procrastinated task really weights me. Sometimes, I wake up in the night and I start to think about the list with things I want but didn’t done yet. I want to sleep peacefully so, I do the thing or I give up on it. Mine to-do list:

New photoshoot with blond head, I procrastinated it for a long time, because I don’t like to shoot (as strange as it sounds), but I already have an appointment, arranged photographer, makeup artist, hairdresser, I can’t skip it.

New lighting and decor of the studio. I already have new lighting! My lights are tied with kind of cable ties for a construction on ceiling and my living room is super funny. The goal was to test it and after that to think how to do it beautifully. The decor if step 2 in the plan. And if I like naked, white walls may be it will have no decor. I think to put armchair, a little table, lamp, something like little commode. Would you like it that way more? The idea is to look like a home and to inspires home workouts? Although I don’t need of it to work out. BUT, I want to motivate more people to work out. What do you think, is it more inspiring for beginners?

A beginners training program. I already filmed it, 2 times – in English and Bulgarian. I only have to assemble it, and I want it to happen this week.

This is my to-do list, but it is not my main job. This tasks are plus to my main job šŸ˜€ My main job is to work with Bulgarian clients (sorry I don’t offer personal consultation in English, yet. But plan to offer).

I want to complete these tasks, to take a week rest and then I will start serious work on the book I write. Now, the idea is to write about all ways which I know to loose weight and to be in the best shape. I will share my personal experience, experience with clients, recommendations how to pass from one way to the other. The book will be totally practical and the goal is to give you information, and you will try the methods and will decide which one is yours. To find your way what to eat and not, to follow it without thinking of food all the time, not to plan and eating not to take huge part of your life. For the purpose I do experiments with myself, for the things I don’t have personal experience. How to write about something I didn’t try, right?

Here, I need help. More than a week now I follow the low carb high fat diet. I jump to it from high carb low fat diet which I followed for more than a year. I was wondering how to plan it, how to start it and I just jump to it šŸ™‚ The surprise is that I handle it very well. I don’t have carb flu, I don’t feel sick, I feel energized, I don’t want to eat something outside the plan. REALLY strange. The only thing I don’t know yet how I will handle the workouts, because now I train a little easier than before and I can’t compare my strength to the previous diet. So, my question is, how long to follow this kind of eating so I have the right to tell something about it šŸ™‚ As it is clear, I don’t think to follow it forever, I think this way now. 2 months from now, I could decide that I want to eat this way forever, as it happened to the high carb low fat diet, which fitted me perfectly. It is interesting for me how it will affects to my antibodies of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Once, I managed to lower my antibodies to the norm, but after that they gone crazy again. Please, don’t write letters about Hashimoto to me, I share what I want in the website, still it’s very personal … If I knew the cure, I would write it. But, with the good food and regular workouts I feel perfectly, and if it wasn’t the lab test I would never say I have Hashimoto šŸ™‚

Here is an example for a day on LCHF diet:
1. 40 g sesame tahini, 20 g shredded coconut, 5 g honey
2. Salad with olives, 1 tbsp olive oil, fatty fish
3. Salad, 1 tbsp olive oil, seeds/nuts/avocado.

The workouts for this week. Don’t forget to take rest when you want and how many days you need. If you are on a vacation or you don’t have equipment, work out with the RumFit challenge . They are body weight.

DAY 1 – no jumps strength workout

Level 3 ā€“ List with the exercises. If you want do 3 rounds.

Level 2 ā€“ List with the exercises.

This is 90 day yoga challenge, I really like Lesley, she explains the moves very well. I remind you to listen when is the active part, which part of the body moves depending on other šŸ˜€ If I shoot how I do her practices you will see that I am really funny and far away from perfect but it won’t stop me doing it. The goal is to feel good, if I keep practicing I will become better. Consistency is the key. Katerina, a reader of my blog shared with me her thoughts on getting better with yoga – it’s like watching your hair grows, this is totally the truth!

DAY 2 – aerobics

Level 3 ā€“ List with the exercises.

Level 2 ā€“ List with the exercises.

DAY 3 – do do

Level 3 ā€“ List with the exercises.

Level 2 ā€“ List with the exercises.

DAY 4 – total body

Level 3 ā€“ List with the exercises.

Level 2 ā€“ List with the exercises.

DAY 5 ā€“ strength and aerobics

Level 3 ā€“ List with the exercises.

Level 2 ā€“ List with the exercises.

DAY 6 – yoga

Rest day or yoga of your choice

DAY 7 ā€“ yoga

Rest day or yoga of your choice


  1. rose marie 6 July, 2015 at 12:38 Reply

    How exciting Rumi!!! You have so many projects !!!
    Re decorating the fitness room is nice. Now, the simple the better. It’s personal, I guess there is no need to transform the workout room like a living room with furniture around to give the impression of “a home workout ” spirit. The important thing is you and the equipment you are going to use. The lighting is important though.

    I was doing a low carb and high fat diet for 2 months and felt great!!! No cravings, no more hungry!! it gives you such a great energy!! I have stopped for now, cause I am in the middle of a moving!! We are stationed in Germany ( my husband works in the US Army ) and we are moving back to the States in Colorado on July 31. So, I don’t want to stress with the macros and check the carbs…but I still pay attention to my food. I still have a low carb diet… under 100g per day and 2 carbs refeed a week…up to 250g. I used to eat up to 20g, max 50 g. Now, around 80-100g and I still feel good.
    I can’t wait to read your book!!!!! when do you think it will be over?? this year? next year? Also, can’t wait to your Personal consultation in english too šŸ™‚
    Enjoy the summer and keep it up with all your projects!!

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