Training program week 22-2015


Gorgeousss, in the following 4 weeks we are going to work out in Rumfit style. Read more about these workouts and how you can work out without being dependent on equipment, place all summer 🙂 All Rumfit style workouts are here.

For new readers: we work out for years, so don’t worry if workouts below are difficult for you, because they are not appropriate for beginners. First try the 90 day program level 2. When you feel it’s easy for you, continue with level 3 and you will have 6 months of regular workouts. After you are done with the challenge, you can try the weekly programs, like workouts below.

If you want to get fit, to loose weight or to be in the best shape of your life, you don’t only have to work out but to be really FAMILIAR with the food. What does it mean, to eat the right amount of food for you.You can eat your favorite recipes and really delicious food, but it has to be in the right amount for

The challenge for this week:
Stop doing something which is not important for you, but you loose about 30 minutes per day on it – ironing, brushing floor, listening to neighbors/colleagues conversations … or what you think is not important for you. Use the saved time for you. For example to prepare your food, or to warm up and stretch longer. Or just to lie and think.

Every day we do things that are not important and don’t develop ourselves in any way, don’t make us happy, don’t change us, don’t contribute for our health. Nevertheless we do them. From time to time I evaluate what I spend my time on. According to the way I feel after the evaluation I do changes 🙂

I challenge you to see what do you spend time on and to cut the unnecessary spending 🙂

I remind you to follow the order of the workouts, but take rest any 2-3 days of the week you need. For example Wednesday and Sunday. Or Tuesday and Thursday or any days that are good for you to work out 🙂

The plan for this week:

In the Rumfit WODs I show the easier version of the exercises, but the workouts are filmed in the harder version (level 3). If you have at least 3-4 months training experience, you can do the workouts below, but don’t emphasis on the speed, but on the proper form. OR do any training program of the 21 weeks that are post up to now.

Day 1

RumFit WOD 1 : Pepilota – detailed description

Day 2

RumFit WOD 2: Amber – detailed description

Day 3

RumFit WOD 3: Dima – detailed description

Day 4

RumFit WOD 4 – Lady D – detailed description

Day 5

Recovery workout 5 – Vlad – detailed description

Days 6 and 7

Rest days or do yoga of your choice.


  1. JULIA CAROLINA CARVALHO 28 May, 2015 at 15:56 Reply

    I want to get more videos so that ai can do it at home. Loving it so far even though i haven’t started.


    • Rumi 28 May, 2015 at 17:03 Reply

      There are more than 100 videos on the site and after you finish them, there will be at least 50 new 🙂

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Day 59 of 90 – level 2 and 3

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