Training program week 12-2015


Gorgeous šŸ™‚ are you ready for a wonderful week šŸ™‚ I have great workouts for you, I looved them. We start with 3 new workouts, shot for both level, or total 6.

We end the week with familiar workouts, we didn’t do for a long time.

For new readers: if workouts are something new for you, start with the 90 day challenge level 2. After the Challenge, you can do the weekly programs, like the one below.

If you want to be in the best shape of your life, you have to combine workouts with a diet. If you train for a long time, but don’t see the results you want, the food you eat is guilty! Rumi also loves food šŸ™‚ But we have to control our daily portions.

Day 1

Level 3 ā€“ List with the exercises

Level 2 ā€“ List with the exercises

Before it’s time for day 2, I will publish the rest of the workouts. At the moment, they are uploading to Youtube.

Day 2

Level 3 ā€“ List with the exercises

Level 2 ā€“ List with the exercises

Day 3

Level 3 ā€“ List with the exercises

Level 2 ā€“ List with the exercises

Day 4

Level 3 ā€“ List with the exercises

Level 2 ā€“ List with the exercises
2 times this video, or try level 3 workout, the rest is running at place or jump rope, while you get tired

Day 5

Level 2 and 3 ā€“ level 2, modify the exercises which are too difficult – beginner dive bomber, jump squat do only squat. The Burpee madness can be just running or jump rope.
List with the exercises

List with the exercises

List with the exercises

Day 6

Yoga of your choice. Did you start Lesley’s 90 day challenge?

Day 7

Yoga of your choice.

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