Spinach and Mango Smoothie


Gorgeous, as promised, I offer you another spinach recipe. Again, it’s quick and easy to make, if you are in a hurry in the morning šŸ™‚
This is one of my favorite smoothies. I measured the spinach specially for you, because I usually don’t. I just put some according to my taste šŸ™‚

70 g spinach
1 mango
1 lemon
30 g seeds/nuts (optional)
150 ml water

This combination is very good for passing greens to children who are not big fans of them. In the beginning put only 3-4 spinach leaves, you have to start somewhere šŸ™‚

Put the spinach and the water in the blender and blend several times. If you decide to put seeds or nuts in the smoothie, add them now and blend with the spinach until you obtain a homogeneous mixture. I don’t put nuts and seeds often, only when I want a more nutritious smoothie. If you are going to add nuts or seeds, pre-soak them. Add next the lemon without the peel and the seeds and blend several more times. Finally, add the mango cut into pieces. I keep some of the mango to add at the end so that there are small bites of it in the smoothie. I do that, in order to stimulate chewing while drinking the smoothie.

It’s important to know that digestion begins in the mouth and it is good to treat any food with saliva. It’s good to drink any smoothie slowly, mimicking chewing, in order to separate saliva. And because it might look funny and in order not to forget it, I leave small bites and instinctively I start chewing šŸ™‚

The taste of this smoothie is slightly sweet, slightly sour. In my opinion it doesn’t need added sweetener, but you can add honey or another sweetener.

PS. How do I recognize a ripe mango? When you squeeze it, your fingers should sink slightly. If it’s hard – it’s not tasty! šŸ™‚

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