Simona’s Change


Hello Gorgeous 🙂 Today I’m motivating you with the magnificent Simona, who wanted to see The Lady/The Beauty in the mirror 🙂

Simona succeeded to achieve harmony with herself in 4 months. We all are different and we are progressing at different pace. Take a look at the other pictures befote-after and you will see:)) The common among all who succeed is that they start!

If you want to start, get on the path that leads to a perfect shape, if you have the courage and desire to walk it, e-mail me. Just 3 words “I Want Change”. Together we can 🙂 Here you can see what individual program includes.


Like many other women, who have successfully reconciled themselves with their female appearance (THANK YOU RUMI), I decided to tell my story about the endless struggle with unhealthy and irregular meals, in addition to the daily and nightly pursuit of sweets 🙂

Of course, all this was garnished with a pinch of lack of sport activity. The result was not delayed – the woman I saw in the mirror had nothing to do with me (The Lady, The Beauty I was using to see myself). The woman that stared at me looked much more like an AUNTY 🙂

Right in this moment I realized that I had reached the bottom and needed a real change 🙂 If I go back in time, looking for the facts that led to this, that I can’t recognize myself, it is clear that it all started a long time ago. It started before the birth of my daughter, when I was gaining and losing weight quickly, depending on my work mode, rest or lack of time.

I never found time to think about myself and to take regular care of my health, because I knew that even if I put some weight (because of my greedy eye), I would get back into shape quickly.

As the years go by, rapid weight loss remained in the past, though. The only memory of it are tender stretch marks which I can’t get rid of neither with expensive creams, nor with massages.

So, the time passed, I got married and gave birth to a beautiful daughter who is already 7. One day, on a glass of wine with friends, almost all of us found out that we are not those young girls with tight legs and buttocks, we used to be, but rather women with Rubens’ shapes.

In terms of my years (and they are not many – 38), I decided that it’s time to make a change and try to regain what’s left in my memories.

I was wandering around trying different sports, diets, at least a few million recipes promising fast weight loss within days, hours and minutes, procedures in the best aesthetic clinics, pills, detox programs and whatever else, and despite the lack of a result, I didn’t despair.

I knew that the key was somewhere there, and I was still searching for a solution to the vicious circle in which I found myself through the years.

Until one day I found Rumi’s site, which I began to read and eventually I had the courage to write to her 🙂 (after I tried out some of her recipes that were healthy, quick, easy and they were also mmmmmm, very tasty) 🙂

Then I realized that this was the solution for me! It will work for me, because it doesn’t take a lot of time, it’s tasty and the calories are not that much.

I gathered courage and I wrote to Rummy. I received my personal menu in no time. My cooking plan was a challenge even for the nutritionists – a menu without some nuts, no dairy products and no gluten.

When I received my cooking plan, workouts, positive mood and the motivation from Rumi I said to myself: “Well, now I can’t embarrass myself! There is another person involved! She has put so much effort to help me and I can’t betray her!”

So, following my delicious and easy menu in just 3-4 months I am again THE GIRL – with tight legs and butt, great mood and the biggest plus for me personally is not only the change of appearance, but THE OVERALL change. I am a NEW WOMAN – walking confidently. I’m convinced that there are no impossible challenges and every problem has a solution. We just need to find the way!

I am already happy and positive, and once I found Rumi, I am glad that I trusted her! She changed my attitude towards health, food and life!

Now, every day I’m full, great looking and smiling!!!


THANK YOU for having fully supported me, motivated and always responded to all my questions.

You are a miracle to me, my gift from destiny (I found you by chance), but you are also a person who made me open my eyes and understand what food, health and inner peace mean!


Meet the Beauty in the mirror and work for change to happen, no matter how long it will take 🙂 Start today and every day will bring you closer to that meeting 🙂
E-mail me – just 3 words “I Want Change” and we get started!

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