RumFit WOD 20: Elena


High intensity total body workout. Do each exercise less reps so you don’t quit. This is the way to keep the intensity high during the whole workout. This WOD is not appropriate for beginners.

You can be in the best shape of your life, don’t doubt! You just have to follow a good program – regular workouts + diet for you. A diet for you means to eat the right amount of food for you. It’s not a diet for all, it’s your diet.

If workouts are something new for you, I advice you to start with the 90 day program. You can find all training programs here. After you have 6 months training experience, you can try the RumFit program.

I part
Do every exercise 10 reps and go to the next one. Max rounds for 10 minutes. If you want, do max rounds for 15, 20 or how many minutes you want.

1. Squat
2. Sumo squat + leg raise
3. Jump lunge
4. Staggered push up
5. Cross knee mountain climber – doubles
6. V sit with opened legs + arms
7. Burpee with star jump, no push up
8. ALT single leg high-low plank
9. Side lunge to curtsy lunge LEFT
10. Side lunge to curtsy lunge RIGHT

II part

1. ALT renegade row + dumbbells to opposite leg – 10
2. Row supinated grip LEFT – 10
3. ALT renegade row + dumbbells to opposite leg – 10
4. Row supinated grip RIGHT – 10
5. ALT renegade row + dumbbells to opposite leg – 10
6. Upright row – 10
7. ALT pulling squat – 10
8. Pull over – 10
9. Bicycle crunch – 10 singles
10. LEFT leg 20 side raises – 20 back raises
11. RIGHT leg 20 side raises – 20 back raises
12. Bird dog from knees – 10 doubles

Rumi’s time
/I didn’t feel very well on this day and I didn’t push myself so much/
I part: 2 rounds + 3 exercises from the 3rd round for 10 minutes
II part: 6 minutes


  1. Katerina Naumova 19 June, 2015 at 12:33 Reply

    Hi Rumi,
    First of all, I want to thank you for all your work. Your programs make me push harder and progress without over training and I have so much fun along the way. I feel strong and healthy and I’m less stressed because I don’t pick random workouts that don’t always work for my level.
    I also want to thank you for including back exercises. My scoliosis is almost not visible and my posture is much better, which is huge for me! I gained some weight over the past year (about 3kg), but I personally think I’ve never looked better 🙂
    For your future workouts, I would like it if you used equipment like a balance ball, pull-up bar and something like an equalizer ( I’m not a fan of using a lot of weight because it makes my legs bigger and I sometimes use too much weight and feel pain in my lower back and knees.
    Good luck with your books and all of your plans for the future, I’ll follow you on whatever path you choose 😉

    • Rumi 19 June, 2015 at 12:49 Reply

      Thank you for your support and suggestions! Balanced ball and pull up bar are in my plans for sure 🙂

  2. Nadia 19 June, 2015 at 20:36 Reply

    Thanks so much for creating RumFit, it’s a brilliant series of workouts. 🙂

    Part 1: followed Rumi but finished the third round. 13:51, 92 cals, HR143/157
    Part 2: did 2 rounds with 6kg dbs and 14kg kettlebell for pull overs. 85 cals.

    • Rumi 19 June, 2015 at 20:39 Reply

      Thank you for working out with me 🙂 I am curious if you want to try some of the workouts from the beginning of RumFit and check your progress 🙂

  3. Lyqa 9 July, 2015 at 09:03 Reply

    Hi Rumi, i would like to start a workout program but i dont know where to start. Been working out for about a month now, traning all kinds of cardio and fat burning workouts from all channels. Now i planned to stick to your plans. I’m 28, weighs 55 kg, height 5 feet 6 inch. I have belly fats(bulging) and big hips. And its very hard to get rid of them no matter what i do. Pls help me since ill be getting married in october. I need to get in shape by then. Pls pls help me. I would appreciate it alot. And thanking you in advance .

    • Rumi 9 July, 2015 at 10:40 Reply

      Check my 90 day workout program, level 2 is easier, level 3 is harder. You should see difference for 90 days.

      • Lyqa 9 July, 2015 at 11:08 Reply

        Thanks for your reply Rumi. I’ll take up the 90 days challenge level 2 and update you on the progress.

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