Reni’s Success Story


Hey, Gorgeous! How are you? 🙂 Are you ready for a different story today? Different and fun and in the lead role we seem to have Wine :)))

Such as Reni, sincere and direct 🙂

My goal is You to achieve what you want, I have a solution for every situation 🙂 I fully understand that we all have different lifestyle, different habits, different priorities and values ​​🙂

Well, Reni wanted to get in shape, but she wasn’t ready to leave behind the glass of wine, so I offered her a solution 🙂 The result is visible, isn’t it? 🙂 We were both flexible, accepting, understanding 🙂 Yes, there are limits, but there is also freedom within this frameworks 🙂

Tell me what is your challenge so that I can offer you a solution 🙂 for this purpose – send me an email with 3 words “I want a change” 🙂 See what the lifestyle change program includes :))

And now I leave you with Reni and the good mood she radiates! 😊

“Hello girls,

I want to share with as many of you possible… who will be able to read to the end, of course, my little story about my transformation.

I won’t start telling you that I was one of those weight/ diets maniac who thinks constantly about “How to look amazing and sexy?”. Rather, I will start with the fact that my motto is “I like to smoke, drink and eat”… as they said in a great song, hahaha :))

I wasn’t the best role model when it comes to lose weight, and Rumi will confirm, because to be honest, which diet includes wine?! Although in every aspect of my life I try to be consistent and stubborn, unfortunately, being consistent and stubborn to my diet turned out to be difficult as hell. And not because the meal plan is difficult to follow, but because that I love to pamper myself! To give myself small prizes when I have a successful deal, a successful working day, a completed task. I just love rewarding my body in any way.

I have always been on certain restrictions concerning the food, but there was also a period in my life when I left them behind. I am glad that I made a decision and asked for help at that time, although my self-confidence hasn’t given up and saying “I want change and I need help!” for me was one of the most difficult things.

The individual meal plan was not difficult to begin with, the difficult thing was to adapt it as a way of life. I won’t lie about my motto, especially the drinking part and most of all the WINE! I can’t blame myself, I like to drink wine “Even one glass, but it’s mine!”.

The truth is that there is no right or wrong way to eat well, everyone has their own lifestyle, their own point of view, taste and preferences, or in other words different people, different ideals. The point is to know the limits of everything and to stop when you have to, when it’s the sweetest. I was missing that, as I guess many others do – knowing the limits.

The diet was invariably associated with training, as was mine. As a person who has been training for almost 20 years, I can’t say that it was difficult for me, but I’ve also noticed the right selection and combinations of exercises. I personally follow Rumi’s site for years, I have followed two of her training programs for 1 year and I was familiar with her work, so to speak.

The workouts seem easy and simple to perform, but considered in detail and in practice, they are well structured, consistently strenuous and synthesized. We are all familiar with the situation when the idea to go to the gym, to workout, then take a shower, then go home is simply replaced by two words, the big excuse – “I do not have time.” While with Rumi, even 5 minutes a day counted – “They are important and make sense!”. So, no matter how tired I came home from work, I had a thought in my head: “30 minutes of workout and I will eat and drink a glass of wine with a clear conscience”.

I lost almost 10 kg for now. I have a desire and intention to melt down some more but the road is in front of me and nothing can stop me! I already know how to achieve it. I will not say thanks to whom, I will only thank her.

And now, when I add the finishing touches to my story, which I hope will inspire if not 100 people, then at least 2, I want to say “Cheers! And what is not achieved with sweat, is achieved with a lot of sweat and will!”

Believe in yourself, believe in your body! It is your appearance, take care of it so that it will thank you and make you happy!”

Email me 3 words only “I want a change” and we’ll start acting!

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