Quick Abs And Total Body Workout 18 Minute Home Exercises Level3


If you are worried to do Ninja jump, exchange it with jump tuck.

If you enter my website for the first time and you have never worked out up to now, you better start with the 90 day challenge because the workouts get harder every other day. If you are an advanced and workouts are not new for you, try the workout below.

If you work out for a long time and don’t see results, you can try to count calories

This workout has an easier version.

If you want, do 2 rounds, I filmed only 1.

1. Supported single leg squat to lunge LEFT – 20
2. Side raise LEFT leg – 20
3. Hip thrust single leg LEFT – 20
4. Dive bomber – 20
5. Hip thrust single leg LEFT – 20
6. Supported single leg squat to lunge RIGHT – 20
7. Side raise RIGHT leg – 20
8. Single leg RIGHT hip thrust – 20
9. Elevated Pigeon crunch RIGHT leg – 20
10. Single leg hip thrust RIGHT – 20
11. Elevated Pigeon crunch LEFT leg – 20
12. Ninja jumps – 10
13. Row LEFT side – 20
14. Ninja jumps – 10
15. Row RIGHT side – 20
16. Dumbbell prayer crunch – 20
17. Torso raise – 20
18. Push up – wide – shoulder width – diamond – 21

Which exercise was most difficult for you?
Before doing Ninja jumps I need rest or to pluck up courage 😉 and it was not my push up day, they torture me.

1 comment

  1. Brandi 22 April, 2015 at 05:11 Reply

    Wow, what a fun and challenging workout!! I really liked the single leg squat-lunge, my thighs were burning! All of the exercises were great and you combine them in the perfect way 🙂

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