Prominent Abs โ€“ Upper Body Workout


rumi abs

Hi Friends, are you ready to hit ABS? This is an upper body workout and in every exercise there is a challenge for abdominal muscles too. I know belly workouts always pull your attention and I want to explain something about belly fat, spot exercises and spot reduction.

You may heard many times that spot reduction is impossible but you still believe it can happen. You are like a child that knows there is no Santa Claus but expects him every Christmas ๐Ÿ™‚

It is impossible to burn abdominal fat with abs exercise. Period. It is impossible to burn fat on any spot with exercises for this spot. Period. So why then we exercise?

The role of the exercise is to make you healthier, stronger and happier. Exercises build muscles and muscles give you the โ€œtoned lookโ€ that most people want. If somebody tells me she wants to tone, I know she wants to decrease the amount of fat. Muscles are toned all the time, they donโ€™t need toning ๐Ÿ™‚ There is no such thing like toning!

If you want prominent abs you must clean your food (only good, natural, whole food) and next step is to find out what amount of food is enough to keep you where you are now or to make you leaner โ€“ these are 2 different amounts of food.

The first one is the amount of food you eat after you reach you desired percent body fat and the second one is the amount of food (that creates calorie/energy deficit) that makes you burn fat. You can find out this by experimenting and body measures every week.

Ok I will explain in a next post how to measure yourself, because weighing is not the right method (for example I am the heaviest in my life and everybody says I look thinner โ€“ this is because I build muscle and decreased body fat percentage).

Now do the workout, but remember that exercises alone will not make your abs prominent โ€“ you need to eat clean diet, and less energy than you spend.

Exercises in Prominent Abs workout

Part I โ€“ 3 rounds for time
1. Renegate row + side plank + kick back โ€“ 5 reps each side
2. Pull over + sit up + shoulder + bicep curl โ€“ 10 reps
3. Wide push up + side jump to hands โ€“ 10 reps
4. Triple abs โ€“ 10 reps
5. Running Reptile โ€“ 10 reps

Part II โ€“ interval training, 8 min, 4 exercises, 4 rounds, 16 intervals 20/10
1. Plank jumps to left-right hand
2. High knees
3. High knees sprint
4. Controlled mountain climber

Questions of the day

Do you want prominent (aka ripped) abs or you prefer just flat belly? What do you believe will help you the most to get it?


  1. Romy 24 September, 2012 at 08:56 Reply

    To answer your question, I would love to have YOUR abs!! ripped abs! let’s a a 6 packs. My belly is already flat. I am 166cm and 56kg. Looks like, I need to loose more weight!
    You say that the portions are made by measuring ourselves? I can’t wait to read your next post!!! I need to control my portions to loose fat. As you say, eating cleaning is not enough but the portions are!!!
    Have a nice week Rumi

      • Romy 24 September, 2012 at 14:31 Reply

        Thank you Rumi.
        My belly is flat but i don’t understand why i don’t have defined abs ๐Ÿ™ do i need to do more upper body workouts and add cardio? To be honest, i never do some cardio cause i think i don’t need to loose fat but it looks like cardio is important even when we don’t have to loose weight. Is this correct? Thank you Rumi for your advice.

        • Rumi 24 September, 2012 at 14:42 Reply

          Romy, it depends on percentage body fat you have. Usually less than 18% (for women) you can see your abs. Try my workouts, this is the exact way I workout, film my real workouts, this is the way I train. I have split workouts (upper – lower body), total body and cardio. Cardio is important for health. I don’t like it too, but I do from time to time.

          • Romy 24 September, 2012 at 14:46

            Thank you Rumi. I have already started with the lower body workout 40 minutes this morning! It was a killer and loved it!!! I will follow your workouts Rumi! Count on me!! They are awesome.

  2. helen morial 24 September, 2012 at 15:16 Reply

    hi im helen ,100x likes your butt and abs routine i love it ,hard but worthy… thanks for
    sharing with us tell next time bye.. bye..

  3. Cecilia 24 September, 2012 at 17:29 Reply

    Love this one! my abs are burning! Thanks Rumi, I like this new web site, I wish you luck, I’ll be following you, from Argentina ๐Ÿ˜‰

  4. brooke 8 October, 2012 at 12:10 Reply

    so I am thinking of following your workout routine…. currently I am doing your old 10 workouts, would you say that would be good to mix it up for a little while? I can always go back to the 10 workouts right? My only concern is that your new workouts are more intense than the older ones, I don’t want to challenge my body than go back to not so challenging. What are your thoughts?

    • Rumi 8 October, 2012 at 12:12 Reply

      brooke, there is nothing wrong to change the pace. It is not good to always push to the limits, so alternating sounds good to me. My new workouts are also different pace, some are lighter, some more intense. I just posted a new one, let me know your opinion ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Daisy 13 November, 2013 at 10:37 Reply

    I really enjoyed the cardio at the end of this workout! What a great way to burn some extra calories and get the heart going ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks so much for providing these videos. I’m trying to get my body back into better shape and I really appreciate your style of exercise ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks again!

  6. Aracely 25 December, 2013 at 11:47 Reply

    Thank you this was a wonderful work out, with you I learned to have patience and do the exercises in perfect form, before I just care about sweet and no more, but now with your exercises I learned to love the pain and the strength. I hope you understand my writting I don’t now a lot English:( have a nice day oxox

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