Office Menu Box


This menu is specially created as a perfect lunch box for your office or a school lunch box for your child πŸ™‚
You will no longer wonder what to have for lunch in the office or have doubts that your child might not choose a healthy snack!πŸ™‚

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This menu is suitable to bring in the office as a lunch box or as a school lunch box for your child πŸ™‚

This menu contains 7 boxes (with 3-4 suggestions each) with varied and delicious recipes. The children’s school boxes contain the same recipes, but with different amounts.

The idea of ​​these boxes is to replace 2-3 meals in the office or at school. For example, the box is good for breakfast and lunch (if you work or study in the morning) or for lunch and afternoon snack (if you work or study in the afternoon).

These boxes are a great alternative to restaurants or fast food, because they are created in the spirit of healthy nutrition. πŸ™‚ You will learn new and interesting recipes, suitable for a quick bite when you are out.


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