Polina’s success story


Hello, Gorgeous 🙂 Today I meet you with Polina, who achieved an amazing results in 5 months 🙂 She had her husband’s support, organized herself and got started 🙂

Polina wrote to me after a recommendation of a friend of hers 🙂 It always makes me happy when you recommend my program to your friends, thank you for your support 🙂 How nice is that Polina now is writing a story like the ones she has read when she opened my website for the first time 🙂

Ask for a change, take care of getting in better shape and you will have your before-after photos :)) It all starts with the words “I want a change” 🙂 Write them to me and let’s begin :))

Here you can see what the Individual program includes :))

“Hello to everyone who reads my story and is wondering if they should take a step towards their change. I will start with the fact that I am 27 years old and I have a 2-year-old son and no, my weight didn’t come from pregnancy. When I gave birth, I lost all 17 kg that I had gained for about 1 year. It didn’t take much effort.

However, the problem came later, when I calmed down that I had lost the extra pounds and had regained my previous weight (50 kg). Then I started guzzling with all sorts of junk foods, as if I lost my weight once, I could now eat as much as I want to, without this affecting the way I look. Yes but no!!!

Soon everything I had eaten was visible on my legs, butt, belly. Somehow, I had gained 6 kg without noticing. I hadn’t even looked myself in the mirror until one beautiful evening, when accidentally passing by it, something impressed me and I stopped. I started looking at myself – front, back, side and I was literally horrified by what I saw in the reflection. I had become a fluffy young woman with a lot of cellulite, muffin top, saddlebags, etc.

Then I realized that the time to take the things into my own hands had come. I had to do something good for my body, my self-esteem and mostly for my health. A friend, who lost herself 10 kg, had mentioned to me about Rumi and her individual meal plans. I looked at Rumi’s website that night and read a lot of stories, like the one I’m writing now (I didn’t even think I could be on the other side). In the morning I was ready and I wrote to her, in the end I had nothing to lose, if I tried. I started waiting nervously and looked for an answer at my phone every 5 minutes.

I couldn’t wait to start writing to each other and see what I’m actually getting into and whether I’ll be able to cope. From the first email like a stone fell from my heart and I realized that she the one. She was so kind, and she believed so much that I can manage, that I had no choice but to believe in myself. As soon as we clarified what I wanted on the menu, she sent me the workouts to start with, because I really couldn’t wait for the things to happen.

After about 2 weeks Rumi sent me my meal plan and I will not lie, when I opened it, I was about to give up. But I pulled myself together and decided to give it a try. It was difficult the first week while I had organizing my time for cooking, training and watching my son. But Rumi was by my side and every time a had some sort of a difficulty, she found a way to help me and advise me, for which I am extremely grateful. She is a great person and professional.

I was cooking for the whole family. My husband also supported me very much and ate everything I served him without pretensions. In fact, after the 2nd – 3rd meal, he was already a fan of the recipes and how could he not be, as everything was incredibly delicious. I managed to lose the extra pounds and get rid of the terrible cellulite. I still have a lot to clear, but the most important thing is that I started to like myself again and learned what and how much to eat.

So, girls don’t wonder if you don’t like yourself or you don’t feel well, write to Rumi and she will help you to find yourself and look at yourself again in the mirror.

Thank you, Rumi, for being by my side, without you I would not have succeeded. I hope to have even better results in another month!

Still, let me share my results so far: for 5 months from 55 kg to 48 kg.

Bust 80 cm-78 cm, waist 69 cm-60 cm, hips 84 cm-80 cm thigh, 54 cm-50 cm, calf 32 cm-31 cm, biceps 27 cm-24 cm”

How to act next is clear – you train regularly and eat your favorite recipes in the right amounts for you 🙂

Write me an email with the words “I want a change” and take care of yourself :))

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