His Majesty the Fenugreek


This is a great, favorite spice of mine that I put on almost all dishes, with small breaks when I decide to make fenugreek detox. I really adore it!

I often use oregano, cumin and cinnamon (dry spices) and parsley, dill and coriander (fresh spices). All they are my favorite flavors in food and have many health benefits.

Grandma and Mom used mostly savory, fenugreek, red and black pepper, parsley and dill, but since I live on my own I love to experiment with different spices and read about their health benefits.

I shared with you the most commonly used spices, and the ones I also like, but use less often are basil, rosemary, mint, curry, turmeric, black and red pepper, savory, thyme (my favorite tea), ginger and vanilla.

Fenugreek is an annual plant of the Fabaceae family. Its seeds and leaves are used as spices.

In addition to being a spice, fenugreek has a number of healing and health benefits applied by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. Egyptian warriors used it as a pre-battle drink, for example, and in China they treated male reproductive problems with it.
It is a source of ascorbic acid, vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin D, potassium, fiber and others. Fresh fenugreek leaves and twigs are rich in essential oils. Traditional medicine defines seeds as bitter in taste and warming in nature (i.e. they have the ability to warm the body). Healers use them to deal with excess moisture and cold in the body. According to traditional Chinese medicine, they affect the meridian of the kidneys.

It can have a positive effect on blood sugar and helps in case of diabetes
Studies show that fenugreek provides greater tolerance to carbohydrates in people with and without diabetes.
In one study, people with diabetes Type 1, take 50 grams (which is a large amount) of fenugreek seed powder for lunch and dinner. After 10 days, participants had better blood sugar levels and reduced total and bad (LDL) cholesterol.
In another study, people without diabetes took fenugreek and after 4 hours there was a 13% reduction in blood sugar levels.

It can increase testosterone and libido in men
30 men take 600 mg of fenugreek extract for 6 weeks. Most participants reported increased strength and libido. Is seems like a great cooking spice for the sweetheart šŸ™‚

Fenugreek reduces appetite
Research has found that people who take fenugreek extract have reduced their dietary fat intake.

Helps treat wounds and skin problems
Fenugreek seeds are an excellent antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory agent. Powdered, they relieve skin inflammation caused by wounds, eczema, burns. In addition, the rich content of vitamin B3 makes them an indispensable tool in the fight against aging.
Fenugreek seeds help to effectively repair damaged skin cells and as a result deal with wrinkles and dark spots. Used as a scrub, they remove dead cells and blackheads. Added to face masks, fenugreek seeds deal with excess oiliness of the skin and acne.

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