Healthy and strong – a full workout program #1


Gorgeous πŸ™‚ we have a new workout program. I have prepared brutal workouts, hard workouts, strength workouts, HIIT and aerobics. Sometimes I do short and brutal workouts, sometimes a little bit longer and hard (but without being brutal) workouts.

There is no way long workout to be super breath taking. After some time with brutal workouts, the intensity is lowered down.

Rotating different styles of workouts has huge benefits, like increasing the endurance, strength, aerobic capacity, mobility and flexibility and the plateau is kept away.

All these qualities are important for our health. Every beginner starts to train because she wants to look great in swimming suit, but in 6 to 12 months, it is understood that the goal for working out is different.

Workouts make us healthy not only physically, but also emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Your body is your temple.

You can achieve whatever you want. You can look however you want, I don’t mean only physically. Doing the physical workouts, we work for our healthy souls!

Come on, let’s start with the challenge πŸ˜€

Every day, I am going to post the workout for the next day. Warning – this is not a workout program for beginners.

Workout program – Healthy and strong

Day 1 – HIIT (high intensity interval training) – 20 minutes
Day 2 – Full body – Tabata, strength and isometric workout – 34 minutes
Day 3 – Rest day
Day 4 – Lower body – 27 minutes
Day 5 – Full body with stress on upper body – 22 minutes
Day 6 – Rest day
Day 7 – Full body – Aerobic and strength workout – 21 minutes
Day 8 – Start the workouts from the beginning. Take a rest day again, if you need it.

The time written against the workouts is how long it took me to do them. The interval training is with fixed duration. The time for the circuit workouts is individual for everyone.

I put the time just to be a clue for you.

Share what you think for the workout program in the comments below.


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