Green mixed salad with prosciutto, blue cheese and roasted walnuts


Gorgeous, do you eat salads every day? You already know that I do, every day😊
Here’s one for the prosciutto and blue cheese lovers 🙂

mixed salad (iceberg lettuce leaves/baby spinach/sorrel/beet leaves/arugula)
cherry tomatoes (red/yellow, optional)
100 g prosciutto
50 g blue cheese
25 g chopped walnuts (lightly pre-roasted in a pan)
1 tbsp. olive oil
white balsamic vinegar
4-5 olives (optional)

Mix the different types of salads in a bowl. Chop/cut into large pieces the iceberg lettuce leaves. Add the chopped cherry tomatoes. Season the salad and stir. Add the blue cheese on top, the walnuts and the prosciutto slices, shaped in funnels. Olives are on request.
This salad goes very well with balsamic pomegranate reduction😊

Approximate nutritional value according to
Kcal 696.1
Protein: 42.6 g
Carbohydrates: 6.9 g
Fat: 57.5 g

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