Eggs Free Light Cake With ANTI Aging Effect


Gorgeous, this cake is so easy and tasty! And light, and with almost no calories 🙂 It’s good for children too. Our kid doesn’t get along with the eggs so far … But he is lucky, with a mother who can make a desserts out of nothing 🙂

After I’ve passed 40, I often use gelatin in my recipes. Perfect alternative to collagen, and it has the same benefits for the joints, beauty or as I say “eliminates age effect”.


For the crust

200 g yogurt
150 g dates
100 g spelled flour (or any other kind of whole wheat flour, but not almond or coconut flour)
1 teaspoon baking powder


First the crust is to be prepared. Process in a food processor the milk and dates until homogeneous mixture. Pour the mixture in a bowl and add flour and baking powder. Mix by hand. Bake at 180C (356F) for 15-20 minutes in preheated oven. I used springform pan (28 cm diameter).

Cream 1

500 ml warm water
40 g gelatin
100 g butter
400 g bananas (or other fruits instead of bananas, but have in mind that bananas are sweet)

Cream 2
I’ve made the cake with another type of the cream, as well. Mix the ingredients in a food processor. I left strawberries in pieces, I like them that way 🙂

Mix the ingredients in the following order:

700 g yogurt
150 ml warm water
100 g dates
40 g gelatin
300 g strawberries


Start with the cream, after you put the cake in the oven. The filling is made in a food processor, without soaking the gelatin first. Mix the warm water and bananas, and then add butter and gelatin. Leave it in a food processor’s bowl until the cake gets ready.

Pour the filling on the cake right away you take it out of the oven. Don’t wait until it cools down, you take out the cake and pour the cream immediately. When you eat the cake, you can feel it a bit raw or doughy, but its perfect. This is only an illusion 🙂 Just the cake was shocked by the quick pouring of the cold cream over it. Shocked cake 🙂

After the cake cools down, place it in the fridge to set until firm (for 3 hours minimum). It’s not ready for less than 3 hours. I’ve checked, don’t bother 🙂

On the pictures you see that the filling consists of 2 colors. This is so, because the upper layer touches the air and gets oxidized. Over time the dark layer gets bigger. So, eat it quickly and share with friends 🙂

Our kid adores this cake. I usually make it without strict proportions, but in order to publish I’ve measured the ingredients. So you can try your own version 🙂

With above products expect the following calories:

Servings: 12 even pices

For Cream 1
Calories: 172 kcal
Protein: 5.5 g
Fat: 7.6 g
Carbs: 23 g
Fibers: 2.3 g

For Cream 2

Calculated with 600 g yogurt

Calories: 140 kcal
Protein: 7 g
Carbs: 26 g
Fibers: 2.6 g
Fat: 2.5 g

Do you want to eat treats like this AND get in shape? Email me just three words ‘I Want Changeand together we will find the most delicious cooking plan that works for you to be in best shape. My email:

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