Delicious Vitamin C Load


vitamin C salad

Today I did an upper body workout combined with cardio. After each strength exercise I did 100 high knees and at the end of each circuit, I did 200 high knees. Total 3 circuits.

I am learning how to do hand stand and incorporate it in my upper body routines lately. The whole workout took me 25 minutes and I did 10 minutes high knees, moderate speed after it. Recently I enjoy longer workouts with less intensity. There is a short intense part and after that light cardio.

Brunch was very delicious and high in vitamin C. For the sauce, put everything in a food processor, pulse until you like it, I prefer chunky mixture.


1 big tomato
2 big red peppers
A handful of baby spinach
A handful of Rocket salad
2 tsp. balsamic vinegar
2 tsp. extra virgin olive oil

Add beans, lentils, peas or chickpeas and it is so good! Last night I soaked 70 gr. (2.5 oz.) chickpeas and today I boiled it 70 minutes or until well done. In most cases I soak beans, seeds and nuts before cooking. When I am in a hurry I buy them ready to save time and I prefer jars than cans.

boiled chickpeas

Do you know parsley and red pepper are best for vitamin C load?
Vitamin C for 100 gr (4 oz.) food
Parsley 133 mg.
Red pepper 128 mg.
Kiwi 98 mg.
Broccoli 89 mg.
Fennel 85 mg.
Orange 53 mg.
Lemon 53 mg.
Cauliflower 48 mg.
Cabbage 37 mg.
Grapefruit 34 mg.
Spinach 28 mg.
Tangerine 27 mg.


I had an apple after this filing brunch, mmmm, love full tummy πŸ™‚ If you want even more Vitamin C, go for kiwi πŸ™‚


Question: Do you think about micronutrients (vitamins, minerals) or you watch your macronutrients (protein, carbs, fats)?

Rumi answer: I used to count my protein, carbs, fats. Then I stopped counting them and watch to have enough protein and low carbs and fats. It took me years to switch my attention to micronutrients. I don’t count calories, grams of protein, carbs and fat as long as I eat only whole, unprocessed food, which I call β€œfood source”, or food that is not made of other food.


  1. aditi 25 February, 2013 at 09:09 Reply

    wow dats a delicious and nutritious option. will try it for sure.

    missed you and your routines. its great to have you back:)

  2. Katerina 25 February, 2013 at 11:40 Reply

    I love chickpeas πŸ™‚ I even use them to make pancakes. I also love buckwheat mixed with red lentil. I used to eat a lot more oat and barley, but now I like rice and buckwheat better. It depends I guess. I don’t count calories but I avoid processed food and sugar. As far as protein goes, I do try to eat some every day. I usually get it from eggs, chicken, tuna, almonds, low fat yogurt.

    I think I will never do a hand stand πŸ™ I was fat as a child and not interested in sports so I had never tried to do anything like that. I do wall climbers though, but if I do too many at once I get dizzy. I also have trouble with lowering my pulse after, maybe because of my low blood pressure.

    • Rumi 25 February, 2013 at 12:05 Reply

      Katerina, I think you can learn to do hand stand and you will like it πŸ™‚ I am sure because you like donkey kicks and hand stand is similar, just don’t drop legs, but try to keep them up and straight πŸ™‚

      • Katerina 26 February, 2013 at 01:37 Reply

        I was trying to do it by doing Shiva kicks but I got very tired very fast and had little progress (or none)… But yes, I definitely love donkey kicks so I will keep doing them and try to stay up longer. I also have trouble with the crow pose, I guess yoga is better taught in person than on video πŸ™‚

        • Rumi 26 February, 2013 at 01:49 Reply

          Katerina, lessons in person are always better, but you know, world changes, so the way yoga is taught πŸ™‚ I can’t do crow pose either, may be for couple of seconds and then I think I will fall πŸ™‚ I like how Sadie explains yoga, it will help you to master shakti kiks, enjoy πŸ™‚

  3. marysunny verdi 1 March, 2013 at 09:40 Reply

    haven’t seen you for a while. glad to see you again. got to to this nice receipe as soon as possible. today i bought organic chickpeas going to cook them all at once and keep them handy on the refrigerator. hope to see another video from you. they re great! ciao

  4. Donna 3 March, 2013 at 00:16 Reply

    Hi rumi

    Have really missed your postings on the website. Are you coming back regularly? Would love to see more workout videos! Many thanks

  5. Monte 18 March, 2013 at 14:54 Reply

    Rumi, why the long vacation? I was starting to think you quit your fitness blog and videos on youtube, glad you are back and hope to see you on youtube more often please!!!

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