Day 9 of 90 – level 2


Gorgeous, today we have only one workout, cardio, it raises the heart beat great and sweats you, everything we love – sweaty and with no breath šŸ˜€

For new readers: We’ve promised to ourselves (promise to yourself too šŸ™‚ ) to workout 5 days a week for 90 days (and after that for life). Come on, join us, here you can start from day 1 – start from the beginning, because the workouts gradually get harder.

If you want to see the result in the mirror, then you have to combine the workouts with eating the right amount of food.

The plan for today

If you want you can read about my lately healthy challenges in the level 3 post .

What do you think about this workout? Was it sweaty šŸ˜‰ ?


  1. Celeste C. 19 January, 2015 at 18:45 Reply

    I’m so glad I came across your 90 day challenge! I am on day 9 already and I am seeing results. Thank you so much for putting this together. At the 90 day mark I will send you my results. šŸ™‚

  2. ayla 10 June, 2015 at 20:14 Reply

    My best friends and I have started your 90 day challenge and this has been our favorite day so far!!! Thanks for the awesome videos!! We have never been this motivated before !!

  3. Yana Z 3 August, 2015 at 06:11 Reply

    Just finished this today. Loved it.
    Getting ready for tomorrow
    I am only skipping one day. It doesn’t feel right to rest a whole two days.

    I already looked at 10, can’t wait to do it.
    Thanks Rumi

  4. Chiara 8 January, 2016 at 16:14 Reply

    Hi Rumi! I’ve started the program and I think it’s fantastic! But I have a question: I’m actually doing level 2, but sometimes I think it’s easy, so yesterday I tried level 3… I have some difficulties and I have to do the exercises simpler, such as arms exercise… Which level should I follow?

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