Day 81 of 90 – level 2 and 3


Gorgeous, we’ve worked out together for almost 3 months now, and with some of you for years 🙂 Workouts are part of our daily routine. In the beginning we become kind of maniacs, then we feel tired and work out less. After that we learn what we want and make workouts part of the happiness – we don’t feel guilty if we miss a workout, or happy that we did 10-12 brutal workout, or satisfied that we did a great 40-50 minute workout.

For new readers: we follow 90 day challenge for regular workouts. After the challenge our goal is to work out for life. Read more about the challenge and after that do the day 1 workouts. Choose your level (after you read about the challenge). Here is the link with all workouts day by day.

The plan for today

You better don’t do the burpee madness because a 40 minute abs workout is coming tomorrow. There are many planks and we will work hard for the shoulders.

1 comment

  1. Claudia 6 February, 2021 at 17:20 Reply

    Hello Rumi,
    Sometimes my coordination does not want to do its job, so the first exercise took more time to do it properly. I’m happy it was not necessary to stop between the exercises. Thank you Rumi.

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