Day 57 of 90 – level 2 and 3


Gorgeous, today we start a new week šŸ™‚ Soon we will do 2 months regular workouts, we are the best šŸ˜€ On day 60 take your measures, if your goal is losing weight and you keep an eye on your measures.

The plan for today:

Level 3 ā€“ if you want do level 2 after it.

Level 2 ā€“ if you want do the workout one more time.

Which combo did you like the most?
My favorite is level 3, combo 2, my abs were burning šŸ™‚ Did you do this combo without rest? And the last one wiht the push ups was impossible while shooting šŸ™‚ I often do many push ups and this weakness shows me that it’s time for rest!

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