Day 44 of 90 – level 2 and 3


Gorgeous, we have a new strength workout. Tomorrow a new HIIT workout is coming, 30 minutes both levels. If you don’t have time, do only 1 round. Today I tried a new do do workout only 1 round because it’s my rest day πŸ˜‰ . It’s really really brutal, I am afraid to shoot it 2 rounds …

For new readers: this is 90 day challenge for regular workouts. We work for building new habits. Every one decides what she/he wants to achieve. After you read more about the challenge, start from the beginning with day 1.

If your goal is to lose weight or shape up your body be careful with the amount of food you eat because a 20-30 minute workout burns only an apple calories. It’s easier not to eat many calories than to burn them with training.

The plan for today:

Level 3 – 30 minute workout of 2 rounds. If you don’t have time, do only one 15 minute round.

Level 2 – Today we increase our working interval to 30 seconds, it’s time to go to a higher endurance level. 3 rounds 28 minute workout. If you don’t have time do 1 or 2 rounds.

What did you like/not like? What was difficult? Which level do you train with?


  1. Mary 8 May, 2015 at 21:22 Reply

    Hello, Rumi. First of all I would like to thank you and tell you I love your workouts. I usually train with level 3 and…you write here this:
    “If your goal is to lose weight or shape up your body be careful with the amount of food you eat because a 20-30 minute workout burns only an apple calories. It’s easier not to eat many calories than to burn them with training”.
    So, are you sure your workout level 3 burns only an apple calories? an apple calories are more or less 74 or maybe 100 (according to the weight of the apple) and my watch I burn at least 190 – 270 calories with your workouts (even if I have an “advanced” level training)… can you explain me, please? thanks a lot =)

    • Rumi 8 May, 2015 at 21:40 Reply

      It depends on your weight, height, age, heart rate during the workout. So my estimate is for me πŸ™‚ If you weigh more and are heigher than me, you burn more πŸ™‚

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