Day 4 of 90 – level 2


We are following the 90 day Challenge by training regularly and building new habits.

Join the Challenge and start from day 1. Here is the list with all workouts.

Today, we will train our backs and chest (keep calm, we won’t miss the thighs and butt šŸ™‚ ). Many people have hard time doing push ups, so we are going to practice them more, until everybody learn. Push ups are great exercise, the fact that they are hard makes them perfect!

You train regularly, but don’t see results. It’s important to eat the right amount of food, if you want try to count calories.

The plan for today ā€“ we have one new workout and we will repeat some workouts we already have done:

Workout 1 (we’ve done it) ā€“ 5 minutes
Aerobic Workout Total Body Toning ā€“ 5 minutes.
Active rest 30-60 seconds, walk in the room or slow jump rope.

Workout 2 (NEW) ā€“ 5 minutes
Total Body Toning Workout For Strong Arms, Chest and Back – 5 minutes

Workout 3 (we’ve done it) ā€“ 10 minutes
Butt Shape And Total Body Strength Workout

If you want and have time do workout 2 again (THE NEW ONE) ā€“ 5 minutes

Did you like this combination of workouts?


  1. Irina 5 February, 2015 at 00:49 Reply

    Hi Rumi,

    Thanks for all the video and the guidance. The 4th day wasn’t easy at all. I liked Workout 3, while the Workout 2 was so confusing and too fast that I decided to first go slowly and see what I am doing because if I want to keep up with you and do all the exercises in the wrong manner, that’s not the point.

    The only thing I find a bit difficult is going from one exercise to another and doing it correctly. I have to do a lot of pausing, just to make sure that I know what I am doing.

    Thanks again, I’ll keep you posted.

    • Rumi 5 February, 2015 at 11:14 Reply

      Thank you for your feedback! You will improve exercises transition with time. I like to include such exercises because they help to develop skills that help in daily tasks and prepare the body for real life šŸ™‚

  2. Ayshwarya 12 May, 2015 at 18:36 Reply

    Hi rumi ,
    I am Ayshwarya from India. I have started to take up your 90 day challenge and it is quite challenging and i push myself hard to complete it ! Doing a new workout everyday is exciting. Thanks you for sharing with us a full workout program , which provides us with so many benefits.
    I have been trying to do running along with your exercises. But i am not able to run for long distance. I run out of breath and start to walk immediately. How to build stamina?

    • Rumi 12 May, 2015 at 18:39 Reply

      Run, walk, run, walk and so on šŸ™‚ Every day you can run a little bit more before walk šŸ™‚

  3. Maria 16 October, 2015 at 20:34 Reply

    Hello Rumi ! You are great ! Thank you a lot for freely sharing with us your routine.
    I was wondering if you know how many calories do these exercises consume? As I also began to track my calories and I would like to know what to substract.

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