Gorgeous, tomorrow is our 40th day of regular workouts! It still seems to me that it was yesterday when we started, we did so many hard workouts, but time flies so fast, right?
In the end of the week we have strength+cardio workout – they are 2 separate workouts but I shot them one after the other. The strength workout is 24 minutes, the cardio is “Burpee madness” 10 minutes with 10 different types of Burpees, it’s tough I tell you 😛
For new readers: we train 5 days a week for 90 days. Start from the beginning with day 1 and follow the plan don’t skip any workout.
The plan for today – we do day 8 again
Level 3
Level 2
We alternate harder and easier workouts in different days. Today’s workout is a little easier, right?
I did level 2 and half from level 3 🙂
Thank you! level 3 is really challenger