Day 33 of 90 – level 2


Gorgeous, a great weekend is just around the corner buttt first let’s do this hard workout. Today we will do a little longer workout only if you have enough time. If not do only 1 or 2 rounds.

For new readers: we follow the 90 day challenge for regular workouts. Come on, join us and start from the beginning with day 1, don’t skip any day, don’t catch up, follow the plan.

If your goal is to shape your body you have to eat the right amount of food, workouts are not enough. Yes, it sounds strange but you can’t eat as much as you want and to burn it with workouts. You could burn all food you eat but only if you work out for hours per day. And again it depends how much food you eat.

The plan for today: 1 workout
Take rests when you need. Stop the video walk around the room and when your breath is almost back to normal keep working out.

Workout For Strong Abs And Perky Butt Cardio and Strength Exercises

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  1. kanem 19 March, 2015 at 11:49 Reply

    thumbs up Rumi!! I love this workout. I was sick for a few days so I did not workout. This got me back into the game….. lots of sweat, no break in between! love love love it

  2. Claudia Acosta 13 January, 2016 at 16:55 Reply

    Hello Rumi, it was really good! I just follow you till the end and for my surprise I could do the frog.
    Thank you šŸ™‚

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