Day 32 of 90 – level 2


Gorgeous, today we will do a little bit easier workout and our thighs and butt will take rest. If you don’t have enough time for a long workout tomorrow, you can train the thighs today. You can read more below.

The plan for today 3 workouts + 4th optional:

1. Total Body Strength And Fat Burning Workout – 6 minutes

2. Isometric Full Body Toning Workout ā€“ 5 minutes

3. Stabilizing And Cardio Exercises For a Strong Core

4. If you don’t have enough time for a longer workout tomorrow, do this one now

Full Body Slimming Workout ā€“ 5 minutes

Have a great day, Gorgeous šŸ™‚


  1. Yana Z 23 August, 2015 at 05:47 Reply

    I did this today, Level 3 for the first one, tough. I tried to do the second work out as level 3, but the chair exercises were too difficult. I think it’s better to do them with proper form than to struggle through one where you are not getting the proper form.

    Looking forward to tomorrow. Rumi.

  2. Claudia Acosta 11 January, 2016 at 12:50 Reply

    Hello Rumi,
    I couldn’t workout for some days (sick) but I hope I can do it now every day.
    The exercises look easier, but when you do all -for sure you feel it in every single part of your body šŸ™‚ really nice!
    Thank you

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