Day 29 of 90 – level 2


Gorgeous, today we begin our 5th week!!! Time flies so fast. It seems like yesterday when the idea for the challenge came to my mind and I started to shoot workouts. Do you also think that times flies? Read what I shared in level 3 post. I will be happy to hear your opinion of the new working out way.

For new readers: we follow the 90 day challenge. Join and train with us, start from the beginning with day 1 and follow the plan. If you want to see results in the mirror, you have to eat the right amount of food.

The plan for today 1 workout
If you want you can do 1 or 2 rounds more

Full Body 10/10 Strength Training

Did you like this workout?
I loved it šŸ™‚


  1. Yana Z 19 August, 2015 at 04:37 Reply

    Hey Rumi, did this one today.

    I did Level 3 one round and level 2 for round 2. It was grueling. Level 3 the leg raises killed me , ugh. But, I did it šŸ™‚ On to Day 30 tomorrow. What do you have in store for me?

    Thanks for all you do.

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