Day 26 of 90 – level 2


Heyyy, it’s the end of the week šŸ™‚ Did you put the sport shoes šŸ™‚ It will be great to find an active amusement for the weekend and that will be your workout.

The plan for today: only 1 workout
I shot 2 rounds of this workout, but I thought it to be 3, if you want do 3 rounds. If you don’t have time do only 1 round.

Total Body Toning and Butt Lift Exercises

How did you feel this workout? Was it too much or not enough?


  1. Yana Z 18 August, 2015 at 05:07 Reply

    I did 3 rounds today as well. I love this one. Thanks Rumi, Onto 27 tomorrow. What do you have in store for me?

    • Claudia Acosta 26 December, 2015 at 13:05 Reply

      šŸ™‚ I’m happy to post the comments that other people said to me:
      -You have lost weight!
      -Looking better…etc
      It is nice to heard that, specially when you don’t notice the change šŸ™‚
      Merry Christmas!

  2. Lola 5 March, 2017 at 18:02 Reply

    It was perfect because I did three rounds and under the weather but if I was more energetic maybe not enough. Still fun!

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