Day 22 of 90 – level 3


Gorgeous, we start 4th week! Many people shared with me their success – smaller measures, bigger dumbbells, more reps of the exercises, new habits 😀 I also will share my success 😉 In the beginning it was tough for me, I felt tired, maybe because I was ill I don’t know, butttt I was way out of my comfort zone even with the easier workouts. I get used to the workouts and now I feel better. I shot today’s workouts one after the other and 30+23 minutes. No it wasn’t easy but a month ago it would be impossible.

Thank you, together we become stronger!

For new readers: I dare you to train regularly for 90 days and after that for life. Come on, join us and addict to workouts 🙂 Start from the beginning with day 1 and go ahead gradually.

If your goal is to lose weight you have to combine workouts with eating the right amount of food for you.

Today’s plan:
1 workout – 30 minutes
If you want do the same workout but easier version – 23 minutes

Total Body Fat Burning Workout And Butt Lifting Exercises

Did you like this workout?
I loved it! It was hard, there are moments I was out of my comfort zone surprisingly when doing easy exercises like side leg raise 😉 . Push ups after knee to the opposite arm were very hard I hardly did 3 reps without taking rests! Come on these are JUST three push ups BUT after many reps plank and downward dog 😉 After all I have a new idea for push ups 😉

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