Day 22 of 90 – level 2


Gorgeous, we start 4th week!!! There are already so many differences – smaller measures, more strength, better technique… I also feel the differences! It’s not so difficult for me to shoot level 3 and right away level 2 no matter that the workouts get harder! So I become stronger with you šŸ™‚ Thank you!!!

If you are stopping by at my place for the first time we are so excited because we’ve promised to ourselves that we will train regularly for 90 days and for life. 90 days are pretty enough to fall in love with the workouts – start from the beginning with day 1 and tell me how you feel.

If you want to see results in the mirror, i.e. you want to be shape your body – you have to combine training with eating clean. You have to cut your daily intake if you want to loose weight.

The plan for today
1 workout ā€“ 23 minutes
If you want you can do it one more time

Total Body Fat Burning Workout

Did you like the workout?
Where did you feel it the most?


  1. gaby 12 June, 2015 at 22:11 Reply

    hi rumi , this 90 day challage is fantastic … I came along ur website 4 years ago , did workouts everyday… the results where amazing I got slimmer in 2 months nearly. Now I have 2 kids, unfortunately my body is not the same as before but im trying hard to have a slimmer body , eating healthy and doing workouts everyday,,,, what I want to say is that I feel more healthy and happier with my body and I feel more strong, still have some kilos to burn but its ok as long as u c results u keep working hard so u achieve what u want! my tummy is going down and even my thighs , I need to tone up now , summer is here and I want to be able and be confident to wear a bikini.

    Thx rumi for this amazing opportunity , kids are asleep so im going to do this workout and go sleep šŸ™‚ xx

    keep it up

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