Day 2 of 90 – level 3


This is day 2 of 90 days regular workouts.

If you want not only to improve your health but to burn body fat, you have to eat the right amount of food for you! Read about the Challenge, and if you want start counting calories.

Today we do 2 workouts. We do the workouts in the following sequence:

workout 1 – 10 minutes
workout 2 – 5 minutes
workout 1 – 10 minutes
if you want and have time, you can do workout 2 again

So, we do 10 minutes workout twice, and between it we have a combination for almost total body which incredibly strengthen the core.

Workout 1 – 10 minutes
Total Body Fat Burning Workout ā€“ Exercises for Lifting Butt Level 3

Workout 2 – 5 minutes
Burn Killer Abs Exercise Combo Level 3

Which workout did you like more?

Did you feel workout 1 in a different way, when you did it for the second time?


  1. Brandi 27 November, 2014 at 19:56 Reply

    Hi, Rumi! I’m so excited I found your website. I just started your 90 Day Challenge (Level 3) this week, and I’ve already learned so many new and challenging exercises from watching your videos! Thank you so much for such a great program šŸ™‚

  2. Janny 23 April, 2015 at 14:52 Reply

    I just wanted to mention that the links to the workouts are broken. After the “http” there is a colon missing.

  3. Parisa 5 May, 2015 at 12:37 Reply

    Hi, Rumi!
    I just want to appreciate you for uploading these videos. I am glad I found your website.
    Quite helpful.

  4. Jennifer Farrington 8 May, 2015 at 00:37 Reply

    Just a note of thanks to Rumi who I have been following for about 8 years now. Hats off to Rumi for continuing to formulate a range of interesting and diverse workouts. Rumi’s workouts fit for the bill for beginners as well as avid fitness junkies. Thanks to Rumi for all the hard work and dedication put forth through the years. A special thank you to Rumi for taking the time and energy to put forth the 90 challenge, no small feat. THANK YOU!!! You continue to be an inspiration to many of us.

  5. Carey 3 June, 2015 at 06:24 Reply

    Rumi, wow that Level 3 ab combo is a killer. I tried to do the best I could but….wow!!!!!! Am trying to do your workouts every day. Am 43yo , have 2 small children and I need to workout to keep up with them (they are 4 and 2 respectively). Have been following bodyrock but want something different and not arms all the time like they have been doing recently!!! I really need to try and tone my mummy pooch!!! Thanks for the hard work ……….

    • Rumi 3 June, 2015 at 09:12 Reply

      Welcome šŸ™‚ Watch your food, it is the main reason for mummy pooch. You can’t burn it with exercise but with less food šŸ™‚

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