Day 2 of 90 – level 2


This is day 2 of 90 days regular workouts.

Today we do 2 workouts. Start with the first workout and train how long you can šŸ™‚ We do the workouts in the following sequence:

workout 1 – 10 minutes
workout 2 – 5 minutes
workout 1 – 10 minutes
if you want and have time, you can do workout 2 again

Workout 1
Butt Shape And Total Body Strength Workout level 2

Abs Workout ā€“ Stabilizing And Cardio Exercises For a Strong Core level 2

Which workout did you like more?

How did you feel workout 1 when you did it for the second time, in a different way comparing to the first?


  1. Mona 8 May, 2015 at 15:52 Reply

    I likedthe first one more, I coul dreally feel my muscles. The second one was fine but I did not feel so much challenge. Maybe I should try level 3. Sometimes I feel the exercises a bit hard and othertimes they are quite easy. But all in all I like this so much. Thank you dear for these wonderful videos. I will keep on ā˜ŗ

  2. Stephanie 12 June, 2015 at 02:27 Reply

    Day two and feeling good! I liked the first round better as well. Although I got a little messed up on the first time through and only did one leg of the straight leg extension. Looking forward to tomorrow!!!! Thanks so much!

  3. Yana Z 27 July, 2015 at 02:54 Reply

    Hi Rumi,

    It would be great to know the weight of the dumbell you are using, just for information and reference. Thank you. I just looked this over and looking forward to doing it tomorrow morning.


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