Day 19 of 90 – level 2


Hey Gorgeous, are you ready for today’s workout šŸ™‚ Tell me how you feel after doing it šŸ™‚

For new readers: this workout is part of the 90 day challenge for regular workouts. The goal is to build the habit to train regularly like teeth brushing – you can’t go out of home if you didn’t train, even only 5 minutes. Come on, join us and start from day 1.

If your goal is to lose weight: think about the food you eat. Most people think that if they work out they will burn the food they eat. Yes you burn calories with workouts but maybe about 100, it’s even less than an apple. You burn calories working out but not more. You can burn many calories if you work out over 1-2 hours. Cut your daily intake 1/4 and think about your results in two weeks, if you need cut it little more. If you had to grow your food, there wouldn’t be so much food and you would eat less, and when you add the physical activity for growing food! The fridge is just a hand away from us and it makes us unhealthy and we don’t think how our food came to us. Think if you had to grow all the food you eat yourself?

If you are not sure how much food you need, you can read here.

The plan for today
1 workout 30 minutes

Fat Burning Cardio Workout

How do you feel after doing this workout? Did you like it?


  1. A Greenshields 1 April, 2015 at 14:30 Reply

    Firstly I want to thank you for your amazing workouts. I am following your 90 day challenge and I cannot believe the results I’m seeing in my body. I started off with the level 3 and very quickly had to do the level 2!!! This particular workout, day 19, has been my favourite so far.

    Thanks again

  2. Jacqueline Hammond 8 June, 2015 at 14:58 Reply

    I loved this workout because it challenged me and left my heart racing! I’ve been following your workouts and started the 90 day challenge recently (19 days in so far ;). Thank you for offering this workout series – it is the first workout I’ve ever looked forward to each day!

  3. Amy 12 June, 2015 at 02:56 Reply

    Day 19 is one of my favorites so far!! Can’t wait to hit the 30 day mark. Thank you Rumi for these great videos!!

  4. katrina 1 August, 2015 at 17:01 Reply

    Rumi! I have loved your workouts for years!! I was even using them back in 2012. This program is amazing. I never sweat this much. Thank you for putting this amazing 90 challenge together. I’m sore all over. I love it!

  5. Natasha 9 December, 2015 at 23:16 Reply

    Hi, Gorgeous) Love everything you do, still going with your workout plan. One question on this video particularly: wow, how come your knee caps aren’t hurting since you’re doing pushups without a mat?

  6. Kimberly 27 December, 2015 at 22:17 Reply

    Rumi, I just finished this Cardio workout. I can definitely say it kicked my you know what. Lol. I had to pause the video around 5 times in order to finish the workout. The key part of this is that I finished the workout. Thank you Rumi for taking the time to provide everyone around the world with these exercises. Have a safe and Happy New Year!

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