Day 15 of 90 – level 2


Gorgeous, we start the week with oxygen! Let’s breath rapidly. More oxygen, more health 🙂

For new readers: we follow the 90 day challenge, we train at home 5 days a week. The only equipment we need – dumbbells and chair. Join us and start from day 1 because every other day the workouts get harder.

If you begin training at home now and want to see results in the mirror you have to combine workouts with eating clean. It’s important to eat less food than you need if you want to burn fat. You can train just for health. But if you want to be in good shape then you have to be careful with the food you eat. You can try to count calories not for life just to learn how much food you need.

The plan for today
There is 1 workout – 14 minutes
After this workout if you want play the level 3 video and do what you can. Intervals are different and you will feel the workout differently. If you need rest: stop the workout keep walking around the room and then continue.

Cardio and Strength Workout At Home

How did you feel this workout?Did you try the level 3 video?


  1. Yana Z 7 August, 2015 at 05:13 Reply

    I did this one and also one round of Level 3, I felt great, just great. I usually preview your workouts the night before. It’s amazing how quickly 14 minutes goes. REally fun,Rumi.
    Onto 16tomorrow.

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