Day 11 of 90 – level 2


Gorgeous, are we going to workout hard today šŸ™‚

For new readers: we train because we’ve promised to do it 5 days a week for 90 days and after that for life. Join us, here you can find the list with all workouts.

If you want to see results in the mirror combine the workouts with eating the right amount of food.

You can’t burn fat by working out, or you could but if you train for a long time. For example over 2 hours per day, do you have this time? Do you think your body can resist so hard workouts?

The plan for today ā€“ start with the first workout and train how long you can.
Workout 1 ā€“ 5 minutes upper body+aerobics
Workout 2 ā€“ 7 minutes lower body+aerobics
Workout 3 ā€“ 5 minutes aerobics
Workout 4 ā€“ 5 minutes isometric
If you want do workout 1 and 2 one more time.

Workout 1
Upper Body and Cardio Workout For Toned Arms, Chest and Back

Workout 2
Lower Body and Cardio Workout For Toned Thighs, Butt and Calves

Workout 3
Quick Cardio Workout And Thigh Toning Exercises

Workout 4
Isometric Full Body Toning Workout 5 Minute Tabata Intervals

Did you like this combination? Is it easier to train when you are familiar with the workouts?


  1. Yana Z 5 August, 2015 at 04:18 Reply

    Hi Rumi,

    Yes, did this one today and repeated 1 and 2 when got home from work. I Love having the preview of what is coming up , It really helps be prepared. Please continue to do that.

    Looking forward to 12 tomorrow.

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