It’s time to hear about the minuses you see on the measuring tape š If you took your measures today, share your success and motivate us š
If you stop by at my place for the first time, we follow the 90 day challenge for regular workouts – 5 days a week. Why don’t you join us, start from day 1.
If you train regularly but don’t see results in the mirror probably you make mistake with the food. If you want to burn fat you have to eat less food than you need.
The plan for today ā only one 23 minutes workout.
If you want, repeat the workout one more time with 30/10 intervals – or you can play the level 2 video, the intervals are like this. If you have huge energy do the workout with the same intervals as it’s recorded (machine!).
Total Body Strength Training And Functional Core Workout
How do you feel after doing this workout? What did you like/don’t like?
I did this today, Level 3 all the way. I am doing this as # 46 and was able to do it all the way. I remember trying level 3 as a # 10 workout and I could not do it all the way. Wow, have I really improved that much? It seems like that. I loved this work out today. The 1 minute intervals are killers.
Thanks Rumi,
On to # 47 tomorrow
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We changed something, hope you get notifications. Let me know.