Brutal Abs Workout 40 Minute Active Rest Is Total Body Workout Level 3


This workout is part of the 90 day challenge. Read what the challenge is. The list with all workouts is here, start from day 1.

This workout has an easier version.

I part – 3 rounds
1. V sit – 20
2. Torso + leg raise – 20

Active rest – 2 rounds
1. Dive bomber – 10
2. Jump lunge LEFT + RIGHT back raise – 10
3. Jump lunge RIGHT + LEFT back raise – 10

II part – 3 rounds
1. Scissors + butt lift – 20
2. Upward-downward dog – 20

Active rest – 2 rounds
1. Hands on the floor, squat LEFT, RIGHT raise back – 10
2. Hands on the floor, squat RIGHT, LEFT raise back – 10

III part – 2 rounds
1. Plank, low plank, twist hips left-right – 20
2. Scissors + clap – 20

Active rest – 2 rounds
1. Renegade row LEFT arm – 10
2. Renegade row RIGHT arm – 10

IV part – 2 rounds
1. Leg raise – 20
2. Touch toes – raised legs -20

Active rest – 2 rounds
1. Walking push up – 10
2. Dips – 10

Butt exercises – 2 rounds
1. Back raise LEFT leg – 20
2. Back raise RIGHT leg – 20
3. Side leg raise LEFT – 20
4. Side leg raise RIGHT – 20
5. Upright cross jumps – 100

Which combo did you like the most? Which one was most difficult?
I was surprised by upward-downward dog, which has to be done slowly and when you do 3 rounds 20 reps, it feels really GOOD! I also did this exercise in level 2 workout 3 rounds 10 reps, I totally did 90 reps on one day. Great exercise, especially if you synchronize the breathing.


  1. Katerina Naumova 20 December, 2014 at 12:32 Reply

    The first combo was hardest for me, especially V sits. I had to bend my knees and take a break. I also couldn’t keep up with you during the leg raises, you are very good at those 🙂 I also did level 2 and I must say, I enjoyed it more because the tempo was slower. I guess I was pretty tired from the days before.
    I sneezed today and really and noticed my abs are sore :))
    Thanks for the burn, my abs are grateful as well, have a great weekend!

  2. Veronica 20 March, 2015 at 01:11 Reply

    I love you! You’re amazing and I never tryed your workouts yet, but I can’t wait -I prefer finish another program before 😉 –
    but I don’t know if someone tell you before if maybe is better if you write the video time in description near the name of the exercise.
    Although good job! I love it <3

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