Booty enlargement lower body workout



Hi my fitness Friends πŸ™‚ I have a lower body workout dedicated to the booty for you πŸ™‚ It is very simple but hard workout πŸ™‚

How to benefit from this workout?

For booty enlargement
There are 2 things that are mandatory for building muscles – you need to eat a little bit more energy than you spend (positive calorie balance) and you must find the proper weight. From my own experience I can build muscle with just 200-300 calories more then I usually eat. I don’t count calories, but I know what 200-300 calories mean: 3 eggs or 400 gr. (15 oz.) yogurt or 100 gr. (4 oz.) meat/fish. So I just add one of these options to my daily meals.

About weights: Try the workout and adjust weights accordingly. Last couple of reps must be very hard, if not, it is not effective for building muscle. Do exercises slowly and control the movement, don’t use momentum.

For health, agility and tone
If you don’t want to enlarge your buttocks then just do this workout with bodyweight or use light weights.

How to combine this workout with the rest of my workouts
This is a lower body workout so do it as a substitute for other lower body workouts.

Or do other lower body workout but include as first exercise Single leg hip thrust.

Or in the workout rest days, do 3 rounds, 12 reps until failure of Single leg hip thrust. Choose proper weight so you are able to do 12 reps in the first round, 10-11 reps in the second round, and very hard 9-10 reps in the third round. Muscle growth depends on the last rep before failure – it must be really hard, slow, controlled rep. The idea to workout on your day for rest is that you are fresh and you can really give your max effort. You don’t do a whole workout, just 3 rounds of 1 exercise.

Exercises in the Booty enlargement workout
This is a circuit training, 4 exercises, 3 rounds

1. Weighted lunge back – 12 reps each leg

2. Alternating pistols – 12 reps, 6 each leg

3.Combo: Dead lift – Semi squat – 12 reps

4. Single leg hip thrust – 12 reps, 6 each leg

Question of the day

Do you want to enlarge your booty? Would you like to make it round? Or you just want to tone?


    • Rumi 19 September, 2012 at 23:37 Reply

      Rubi, this routine will kiick butt literally πŸ˜€ Yes, you can do this workout for buttocks tone (with light weights) and bigger booty (with heavy weights).

  1. Brooke 20 September, 2012 at 19:13 Reply

    Just did the booty workout, and holy cow that was an AWESOME workout. I am adding this into the 10 workout routines of yours that I already do. You truly are an amazing person to workout with! Thank you for sharing

  2. MP 16 October, 2012 at 13:21 Reply

    Hi Rumi,

    I just discovered this new blog, so then you wont be posting anymore on your old blog? I want to buy the 28 day bikini body videos, so if I have any questions after buying them about the workouts should I just ask you here?

    Another question Rumi, how can I train more the part where the butt and hamstring meets? That’s a hard part for me.


    • Rumi 17 October, 2012 at 11:09 Reply

      MP, you will have my email to aska me questions. You should do glutes exercises – like squats, hip lifts, leg backwards raise from knees or standing. But also workout total body, because you don’t want having strong and weak muscles, this creates inbalance and you can injure yourself.

  3. inayj 14 November, 2012 at 22:05 Reply

    hello rumi, just wanted to let you know, your blog and videos have been very helpful for some years now πŸ™‚ This entry did grab my attention, i like my butt i want to keep and would like it rounder if possible how do i that !? focus on stomach exercises ? or would you suggest i add 3 eggs to my daily diet? looking to hear from you soon !

    • Rumi 14 November, 2012 at 23:40 Reply

      inayj, doing stomach exercises wiil not make your butt rounder πŸ™‚ You need to do butt exercises, eat good ratio protein, fat, carbs, vitamin and minerals. Try the above workout and let me know how it goes πŸ™‚

  4. Daisy 7 February, 2014 at 11:30 Reply

    Hello, I just had to share with you that I did this workout yesterday and by early this morning I was definitely feeling sore in the buttocks and back thighs πŸ™‚ Thanks so much for taking the time to make and share these videos! I have been so motivated to stick with working out because the workouts are effective yet not so long and you are so good at reminding me that you are also just a person (not someone who lives at the gym) and that helps me to feel optimistic that I will achieve my goals of getting toned up and stronger. I don’t worry about looking to bulky or having to spend hours a day to get results. Hope you have a wonderful day!

    • Rumi 7 February, 2014 at 11:43 Reply

      Daisy, I am happy to know what you think πŸ™‚ yes, we are normal people with normal life and we workout ot feel goof, energetic and helthy. Thank you sharing your thoughts.

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