Booty Builder And Ab Flattening Exercises – 22 Minute Total Body Strength Training Level 2


For new readers: if you are a beginner with the workouts, first start with the 90 day challenge level 2. Here are all training programs. After you have at least 6 months experience, try the weekly programs.

If you want to shape up your body or to loose weight, you have to combine regular workouts with eating the right amount of food for you.

If this workout is easy for you, try the more challenging version.

Circuit workout. 2 rounds are filmed, if you want, do 3.

1. Sumo dead lift – 10
2. Jump squat – 10
3. Single leg hip raise on a a chair (or floor) – 10 each
4. Renegade row LEFT – 10
5. Plank diagonal kicks – 10 double
6. V sit bent knees – 10
7. Renegade row RIGHT – 10
8. Squat + ALT overhead press – 10
9. Single knee push up – 10
10. Plank single leg jump forward – 10
11. Frog V sit bent knee – 10
12. Dive bomber – 10
13. Leg side raise LEFT – 20
14. Leg side raise RIGHT – 20
16. Left-right jump – 50 doubles

Which exercise did you like most? How many rounds did you do?

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