Booty and Good Posture Workout ā€“ 21 Minute Full Body Toning At Home Level 2


Gorgeous, another workout from 90 day challenge šŸ™‚ In this workout we will learn how to activate glute (booty) muscles and there is work for a good posture. There is a harder verssion of this workout.

This is a circuit training with 3 parts
After every round do 10 Burpees

The moves in a Burpee:
1. Squat and put hands on the floor.
2. Step backwards to Plank
3. Knees on the floor
4. Push up from knees
5. PLank
6. Step forward to squat
7. Lift to upright position

I part – 2 rounds
1. From Plank arm to opposite leg, Plank with arm forwad – arm-torso-leg in a straight line – 15 resp LEFT arm
2. Crunch with arms t chest, twist left-right and elbow touches the floor – 10 reps
3. Lie on belly – torso lift with arms side – 10 reps
4. Like 1. RIGHT arms – 15 reps
Do 10 Burpees after every round

II part – 2 rounds
1. Side leg raise – 25 reps for everu leg
2. Backwards leg raise – 25 reps for every leg
Do 10 Burpees

III part – 1 round
1. Static lunge – 25 reps for every leg
On left leg do bicep cirl and kick back, on the right leg side arm raises.
10 Burpees

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