500 Calorie Workout 47 Minute Home Exercises For Abs Thigh Butt Chest And Back HIIT Cardio Level 2


Gorgeous πŸ™‚ this is the last workout of these 90 days, but not the last workout. We continue to work out forever πŸ™‚ In level 3 post you can read when it’s good to do long workouts and how to burn calories with workouts.

This workout has a harder version.

It’s shot only the first part of the workout in the video above – about 47 minutes. If you long long workout over 90 minutes, do the video twice. I wanted to shoot and assemble a workout over 90 minutes but I had technical difficulties and I had to assemble the first part only. The second part is repetition of the first. I was challenged with no time to assemble and other technical difficulties, but I already know what to do when I shoot long workouts.

Do each combo 3 rounds and after that go to the next combo.

Combo 1 – 3 rounds
1. Burpee with push up – 4
2. Renegade row – 4 each side
3. Abs, leg raise – 4
4. Abs, toes touch – 4

Combo 2 – 3 rounds
1. Lunge with dumbbells – 4 each leg
2. Goblet squat– 4
3. Single leg bridge – 4 each leg

Combo 3 – 3 rounds
1. Upward-downward dog – 4
2. Crab 2 count for 1 – 4
3. Frog claps – 5
4. From downward dog out in jump – 4
5. V sit with bent knees – 4
6. Scissor jump 2 count for 1 – 4

Combo – 4 – 3 rounds
1. 4 half knees + 4 jumping jacks – 4
2. 4 left-right jumps – 4 mounting climbers – 4
3. Burpee – 4

Combo 5 – 3 rounds
1. Single leg hip raise on chair – 4 each
2. Hands on the floor back leg raise, knee to the shoulder, side extent – 4 each leg
3. Single leg bridge – 4 each leg

Combo 6 – 3 rounds
1. Triceps push up – 4
2. Row – 4 each

Combo 7 – 3 rounds
1. Squats with dumbbells – 4
2. Wide push up – 4
3. Renegade row – 4 each
4. Romanian dead lift – 4 each leg

Combo 8 – 3 rounds
1. Squat + Arnold press – 4
2. Plie squat – 4
3. Sumo squat + leg side raise – 4 each leg

Combo 9 – 3 rounds
1. 4 left-right + 4 forward-backward – 4
2. 4 plank jacks + 4 jumping jacks – 4
3. 4 half high knees + 4 mountain climber – 4
4. 4 basketball jumps + 4 plank to squat – 4

Combo 10 – 3 rounds
1. Dumbbell side raise – 4
2. Dumbbell press up – 4
3. ALT reverse lunge with climb – 4

Combo 11 – 3 rounds
1. Row supinated grip – 4 each
3. Flies – 4
4. Weighted crunch with dumbbells – 4

Combo 12 – 3 rounds
1. Push up wide shoulder diamond – 3
2. Jump over the mat 2 count for 1 – 3
3. Knee to opposite arm from plank – 3 each side
4. Jump over the mat 2 count for 1 – 3
5. Crunch – 3
6. Jump over the mat – 3

Combo 13 – 3 rounds
1. Goblet squat + press rep – 4
2. Single leg jump, other leg 4 raise forward – 4 side – 4 each leg
3. Cross jump – 4
4. Triple abs – 4

Combo 14 – 3 rounds
1. Single knee push up -4
2. Pull over + crunch – 4
3. From squat – side raise for back – 4 each
4. Long jump – 4
5. Scissors – 4

Did you repeat the workout? Would you like to train over an hour every day? Do you think you can resist this kind of stress?


  1. Lola 30 April, 2017 at 00:55 Reply

    I only did 50 min, but it was wonderful! I like hour long workouts and wouldn’t like to do over an hour everyday unless it were bicycling or hiking because those are more of an adventure! πŸ™‚

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