5 Minute Bodyweight Only HIIT Cardio Workout Total Body Toning Level 3


No rest interval training, 5 intervals 30/30

This workout is part from my 90 day exercise challenge and is included in Day 1-level 3.

You can do just this HIIT for your daily workout, but do it 3 or 4 times. After every 5 minutes, 1 minute active rest – walk or light jump rope.


1. Jump squat. One hand touches the ground, the other hand straight backwards. During the jump, both arms straight backwards to activate the back muscles.

2. From plan twist left, bent Right leg on the floor, twist and extend left arm anf leg.

3. Jumping jacks and touch foor.

4. Like 2. but twist to the right.

5. From plank alternating feet to palm jump.

6. Righr leg lunge leaning forward – rught arm backwards – left arm touch floor – light jump anf left leg goes backwards on toes, arms extended.

7. From plank butt kickers.

8. Like 6. other leg.

9. Wide plan jump to gathered knees (keep back straight).

10. Upright single leg jump, other leg up and opposite arm touch.


  1. Katerina Naumova 30 September, 2014 at 08:41 Reply

    This was my favorite part of Day 1 šŸ™‚ I loved it so much I did it two more times after the 20 minutes were up! The stretching and but kickers were really fun for me and I also liked the new variation of jumping jacks. I definitely need to improve my coordination on the new jumping jacks and exercise number 10. It’s a good thing I have a mirror in front of me so I can see how silly I look trying to keep up with you :))))
    Great workout, it made me sweat a lot!

  2. Janny 19 November, 2014 at 13:40 Reply

    I just found you yesterday and today I had to try this workout. It was harder than I expected and contains some new moves that are fun. The second exercise I like the most although I had problems with my coordination :P.
    I think I will include some of your workouts into my workout plan next to the older (bodyweight) bodyrock workouts and Zuzkas ;). Especially since your workouts include a lot back exercises compared to the other two. Usually I was doing those after my workouts or did a workout of my own which included them.

      • Janny 20 November, 2014 at 15:14 Reply

        I would love to follow your 90 day challenge. Sadly programs are not my thing. I don’t stick to them because I feel pushed and therefore I’m losing my motivation and in the end I’m not working out at all. It’s much better for me to decide spontaneously which workout I feel like doing. But I will try to do the workouts in the order you are giving us even though I will probably do others in between.
        I really love what you are doing here and I’m so glad that I found you :).

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