25 Minute Beginner do do Workout Boost Metabolism and Burn Fat Level 2


This is a do do workout for intermediates. It’s not appropriate for beginners because we change the exercises quickly and you have to know the proper technique very well.

If you want visible results in the mirror, combine regular workouts with eating the the right amount of food for you.

If this workout is easy for you, try the more challenging version.

Do each combo 4 intervals 10/10, total 1 minute and 20 seconds, with no rest. If you want, do the workout 2 times.

Combo – LEFT leg and butt side – own body weight
1. Side lunge
2. Leg side raise

Combo 2 – гърди, корем, рамене
1. Push up
2. Plank

Combo 3 – RIGHT leg and butt side – own body weight
1. Side lunge
2. Leg side raise

Combo 4 – back, biceps, abs
1. LEFT arm renegade row
2. RIGHT arm renegade row

Combo 5 – abs
1. Crunch
2. Leg raise

Combo 6 – thighs, butt, back, biceps
1. LEFT leg reverse lunge
2. RIGHT leg reverse lunge

Combo 7 – chest, abs
1. Push up from knees
2. High-low plank

Combo 8 – cardio
1. Upright frog clap
2. Jump rope

Combo 9 – biceps, shoulders
1. Hammer curl
2. Shoulders – side raise

Combo 10
1. LEFT leg back raise
2. LEFT leg side raise

Combo 11 – back
1. Upright row
2. ALT renegade row

Combo 12 – butt RIGHT leg
1. RIGHT leg back raise
2. RIGHT leg side raise

Combo 13 – cardio
1. Star jump
2. Low-high jump rope

Combo 14 – cardio, abs
1. Frog clap
2. Plank

Which combo did you like most?

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