23 Minute Total Body Strength Training And Functional Core Workout Level 3


Gorgeous, a new workout for a 90 day challenge. It is very interesting and fun, because of the 20 exercises. There are many abs exercise for ab addict 😉

There is a lighter verssion of this workout.

Interval training
60 seconds work
10 seconds rest

1. Bulgarian split squat (with dumbbell) LEFT leg
2. Downward dog, LEFT leg side rasie
3. Single leg dead LIFT. right left extended backwards for support
4. Like 1. RIGHT leg
5. Like 2. RIGHT leg
6. Like 3. RIGHT like
7. Hold plie squat (with dumbbells), heel raise
8. Dips on a chair
9. Reverse W (lie on back) with dumbbells
10. Hold low squat, alternate side and up dumbbells raise
11. Mountain climber
12. Hold squat 1-2-3-4-5, jump
13. Burpee with push up
14. Abs – leg raise and crunch
15. Burpee with push up
16. Plank, dumbbell to opposite ankel, raise dumbbell forward
17. Downward dog – single shoulder press
18. Abs – knee hugs
19. Abs – single leg downward dog, knee to opposit arm
20. Like 10. the other leg

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  1. Katerina Naumova 10 October, 2014 at 10:48 Reply

    Very fun workout, I liked it so much I did it twice. The second exercise is so much harder when my right leg is on the ground, my right side feel less flexible and all exercises that require stretching or balancing on the right are harder for me. While doing the burpees my legs felt like they were made of lead :)) I do leg lifts with my hands behind my head because my neck hurts less this way and it is easier to keep my lower back on the ground. I’ve tried doing them with straight arms but I kept sliding on the floor and my neck felt very stiff.

    • rumiana.ilieva@gmail.com 10 October, 2014 at 11:00 Reply

      I agree, I am also more flexible with one side I feel exercises in a different way. Second exercise was also different for every leg 🙂

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