21 Minute Cardio and Total Body Toning Workout With Best Exercises To Burn Fat Level 2


If you want to shape up your body and to burn fat, you have to combine regular workouts with eating the right amount of food for you.

For new readers: If workouts are something new in your life, first try the 90 day challenge level 2. After that level 3 of the 90 day program or the weekly programs.

If this workout is easy for you, try the more challenging version.

3 rounds, if you want take 30-60 seconds rest after each round. The rest is walking around the room.

1. Squat jump – 10
2. Sumo squat – 10
3. Crossed knee push up – 10
4. Plank left-right knee jump – 10 doubles
5. Pull rope – ABS – 10 doubles
6. Superman – 10
7. Renegade row – LEFT side – 10
8. LEFT leg side raise 10, back raise 10
9. Renegade row – RIGHT side – 10
10. RIGHT leg side raise 10, back raise 10
11. 4 high knees forward – 4 jump back – 10
12. Burpee without push up – 10

Did you like this workout? Which exercise was most difficult for you?

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