18 Minute Abs Workout Toned Core And Total Body Fat Burning Exercises Level 2


For new readers: if you want fast and visible results, you have to combine regular workouts with counting calories. If you start with the workouts now, first train with the 90 day challenge. After you finish the challenge, continue with level 2 or 3 of the weekly programs.

If this workout is easy for you, try the harder version.

Do each combo 2 times, 4 intervals 30/15, 3 minutes. 15 seconds is the rest interval.

Combo 1
1. Twisted V sit
2. ALT renegade row

Combo 2
1. Pull over to crunch
2. ALT renegade row from knees + triceps extension

Combo 3
1. Plank external rotation ALT sides
2. Jump squat

Combo 4
1. Leg raise
2. Cross knee push up

Combo 5
1. Single knee low-high plank – 1 leg during all interval
2. Single leg hip raise – 1 leg during all interval

Combo 6
1. Crunch circle – 1 leg during all interval
2. Jump squat + ALT lunge

Which ab exercise did you like most, which one least and why?

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