1000 Calorie Workout 90 Minute Total Body Fat Burning Exercises Strength HIIT Cardio Abs Level 3


Gorgeous, this is this is the last workout of the 90 day challenge, 90 minutes just as 90 days šŸ™‚ I don’t know how many calories we will burn 90 minutes, but when a new reader hear 1000, it sounds attractive šŸ˜‰ We know that it’s difficult to burn calories with workouts, when we talk about adding calories to the day. Of course, it’s possible to burn calories with physical exercises but you have to train long time and that’s why today’s workout is longer.

For new readers: we follow the 90 day challenge. You can join the challenge, start from the beginning with day 1. It’s best to follow the plan as it’s written because these are not random workouts but training programs. Here is the list with all workouts day by day. Follow the plan, don’t skip days and work out with a program not chaotically.

If you want to lose weight or to shape up your body, pay attention to the food you eat, because it’s difficult to keep energy deficit doing workouts. Of course it’s possible but only if you work out longer than an hour daily (and it still depends what you eat) – do you have the time and what is more important do you think your body can resist the stress? If you want, you can try to count calories .

Today’s workout
My idea was to do a long but a little bit easier workout. We will move all the time and will have no rest. It’s only possible if you don’t get tired. That’s why we do less reps and after that we go to the next exercise. We don’t do the exercises until we can and it’s on purpose. The idea is to keep moving and to train longer. Our goal is to keep the heart rate over 120 beats (don’t stare to the number 120, it’s just a guide, it’s individual). We do kind of monotone cardio but an more interesting version.

This workout has an easier version.

14 combos. In the first part do each combo 3 rounds and then go to the next one.

In the second part I cut the rounds, because it would be a 100-110 minutes workout. And the camera was running out of battery, one of the lights turned off. I have 5 lighting fixture, LED. They have batteries and the life of the batteries is about 120 minutes. I turned them on when I warm up and in the end of the shooting they started to turn off. After that I had to process the workout on my notebook for 7 hours!!!!! Technical difficulties were all around myself, BUT I already know how to prepare better for this kind of challenges.

If you don’t have time you can do the workout but don’t repeat the combos – the workout would be about 45 minutes.

Combo 1 ā€“ 3 rounds
1. Burpee with push up ā€“ 5
2. Renegade row ā€“ 5 each side
3. Triple abs ā€“ 5

Combo 2 ā€“ 3 rounds
1. Jump lunge left ā€“ 5 each leg
2. Jump squat ā€“ 5
3. Hip raise single leg LEFT ā€“ 5 each leg

Combo 3 ā€“ 3 rounds
1. Dive bomber + jump tuck ā€“ 5
2. Crab – count 2 for 1 ā€“ 5
3. Frog clap ā€“ 5
4. Donkey kicks – count 2 for 1 ā€“ 5
5. V sit ā€“ 5
6. Air scissor ā€“ 5 for each leg

Combo ā€“ 4 ā€“ 3 rounds
1. 5 half high knees + 5 jumping jacks ā€“ 5
2. 4 high knees (doubles), 4 mountain climber (doubles) ā€“ 5
3. Burpees ā€“ 5

Combo 5 ā€“ 3 rounds
1. From reverse plank – single leg hip raise – 5 each leg
2. Hands on the floor back raise + knee to shoulder + extend leg – 5 each leg
3. Single leg bridge ā€“ 5 each leg

Combo 6 ā€“ 3 rounds
1. Diamond push up ā€“ 5
2. Upper back – from squat side arm raise – 5 each side

Combo 7 ā€“ 3 rounds
1. ALT pistols ā€“ 4
2. Wide push up ā€“ 4
3. Renegade row – 4 each arm
4. Single leg Romanian dead lift ā€“ 4 each

Combo 8 ā€“ 3 rounds
1. Squat + Arnold press ā€“ 5
2. Plie squat with dumbbells ā€“ 5
3. Sumo squat + side leg raise – 5 each leg
4. Roll back + get up + jump ā€“ 5

Combo 9 ā€“ 3 rounds
1. Side lunge with jump ā€“ 4
2. Jump tuck – 4
3. Jumping jacks ā€“ 4
4. Plank jacks ā€“ 4
5. Plank jacks ā€“ 4
6. Plank to squat jump ā€“ 4

Combo 10 ā€“ 3 rounds
1. Lunge + dumbbell side raise LEFT – 5
2. Lunge = press up RIGHT ā€“ 5
3. ALT reverse lunge ā€“ 5

Combo 11 ā€“ 3 rounds
1. Jump row ā€“ 5
2. Row supinated grip LEFT – 5
3. Row supinated grip RIGHT – 5
4. Flies ā€“ 5
5. Weighted crunch ā€“ 5

Combo 12 ā€“ 3 rounds
1. Push up – wide shoulder with diamond ā€“ 6
2. Jump over the mat, 2 jumps count for 1 ā€“ 6
3. Long jump + ALT single leg jump ā€“ 6

Combo 13 ā€“ 3 rounds
1. Pigeon crunch ā€“ 5 each leg
2. Squat touch floor + jump and gather legs ā€“ 5
3. Triple abs ā€“ 5
4. Star jump ā€“ 5

Combo 14 ā€“ 3 rounds
1. Goblet squat + press up ā€“ 5
2. Single leg hip raise on chair + pull over – 5 each leg
3. Single leg jump – other leg front – side raise – 5 each leg
4. Cross jump

Did you do all workout?
I did šŸ™‚ My main goal is to publish real workouts not montage.


  1. Katerina Naumova 26 December, 2014 at 10:56 Reply

    I did it yesterday. I was hoping it would be easier but Combo 3 and 9 left me breathless. I used different weight for different exercises, for example, I couldn’t do exercise 2 from combo 6 with 5kg, so I used 4 kg per arm. I also can’t do jumping rows with 5 kg. This was a very hard workout, I’m scared to do it again on Monday, but since I plan to take 3 days off next week, I think I’ll be OK šŸ™‚
    Thanks for making me challenge myself Rumi! Have a very merry Christmas. Thank you for making 2014 very fun and dynamic, I wish you all the love, happiness and success in 2015 šŸ™‚
    Love, Katerina

  2. Nadia 8 May, 2015 at 18:44 Reply

    Hi Rumi

    Only recently discovered your website, the workouts look brilliant! I appreciate your sensible approach to diet and supplements too šŸ™‚

    Did this workout today, and burned 535 cals. That’s a huge amount for me as I’m petite so my calorie burn is pretty low. Looking forward to trying more of your routines. Xx

  3. Nadia 1 August, 2015 at 15:22 Reply

    Tried this again today as I wanted a lower intensity workout. It was harder than I’d remembered! Exactly as you described though, great calorie burn and never too exhausting.

    665 cals, HR 144/171. Used 5 and 10kg dbs.

    • Rumi 1 August, 2015 at 15:53 Reply

      Loved that you feel it as a planned šŸ™‚ But far away from 1000 calories, it is hard to burn them! It is easier not to eat 1000 calories lol

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